二〇十三年 十一月 十五日
From the diary of XIV Rendez-vous du Carnet de Voyage in Clermont-Ferrand: 1st day
After being in Clermont from yesterday afternoon, setting up my stand with some Azulejos-style background and putting all things in the right place, we just went out for a good dinner taking a bit of rest, waiting for the 1st day of Rendez-vous…

1st day of Rendez-vous come, with a lot of happy meeting of old friends (someone I ain’t seen from 2011) and some-others I first meet this year.
Crowd of pupils come to my stand for a Dragon painting and I’m lucky ‘cause pupils allways give me a good charge in doin’ things.
This year I was selected to attend to the Rendez-vous with my carnet de voyage on Portugal, and my carnet d’etude about “The Drifter”, a surf movie by Taylor Steele focused on Rob Machado drifting in Indonesia and Bali.
I was so so happy to have met some pupils, young and not so young people who came from Portugal or Brasil, thus we can speak a little of Portuguese here in Clermont.

First day just passed by, but I had so much positive feed-backs and so many inspirations and ideas for further works and for developing my way of painting and making Carnet de Voyage. I’ll try to apply such new inspiration into the work I’m doing about Hawai’i, which is the set of carnets – maybe the most important work I’ve never did in my all life – which I’m going to proceed in painting when I’ll be back from Clermont.
Very happy to meet Sighanda, Federcio Gemma, Dario Grillotti and his girlfriend, Elena and Claudio Monaco once again in this so important an happy event. So so glad to have 1st met Carola Zerbone with her so beautiful work on Inde du Nord.
See U all tomorrow my friends, 好好休息吧!!!