IC1805, IC1848 and Double Cluster region in SHO, RGB stars

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Mosaic made by 9 panels, with starless master in narrowband, SHO palette, and stars integration in RGB.

Narrowband subframes of 180″, 300″ and 600″, RGB subframes at 60″ exposure.


NGC2403 in LRGB

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NGC2403 Galaxy in RGB. William Optics Redcat 51 and ASI1600mm Pro, 60 seconds LRGB subframes taken at -20C between 10/09/2022 and 13/02/2023, suburban 6 Bortle scale sky (Livorno – IT).

Final image is the 2nd cropped version from the wider range integration

Less incisive cropping as first attempt to get more focusing about NGC2403

12P/Pons-Brooks by C27

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Comet Pons-Brooks passing by C27, 13 January 2024.

Comet starless integrations by subframes in LRGB 60″, 3 x each filter. Star integration from RGB.

C27 and surrounding starless layer in Ha Oiii and Hbeta, 180sec subframes, from 2023 spring-summer several sessions; cfr. https://www.astrobin.com/dqa6po/C/

Draco Trio in LRGB

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LRGB record of Draco galactic trio NGC5985, NGC5982 and NGC5981, from IC Astronomy Observatory of Telescopelive network, Officina Stellare ProRC 700 and Proline FLI PL16803 CCD camera, subframes of 300sec.

These galaxies are roughly 100 million light-years away. The faint, sharp-edged shells surrounding elliptical NGC 5982 suggests evidence of past galactic mergers.


C/2021 A1 Leonard 30/12/2021

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Comet Leonard C/2021 A1 from iDK Namibia remote telescope, Skygems.

Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/w0ah2q/

Very hard but completely stocked within this processing; mosaic is obtained by 4 different kind of imaging, at different binning. BIN2 mosaic in LRGB consisted in 3 framing. one for the comet head, another framing for the middle comet tail, third framing for distal part of comet tail.

Bin1 Luminance set finally integrated within mosaic.

Final star & starless integration in Photoshop, with numerous adjustement layers and pixel fixing needed.

Dataset available for free from Skygem network here: https://forum.skygems-observatories.com/d/104-new-year-present-c2021-a1-data-set

Calibration is not quite easy as Skygems archives missing proper dark for right calibrated masterflat creation.

Caldwell 27 (NGC 6888) region in SHO and Hb

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Crescent Nebula region in Sii Ha and Oiii+Hb; Hydrogen Beta records I used to integrate Oxigen channel.

William Optics Redcat 51 with ASI1600mm Pro, 180 sec. subframes recorded between 02/03/2023 and 27/07/2023; complete framelist available here > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZvzc2ZU1m6s7tNN1QYradzWS1Uqjil9e4X

Starless stage made during postprocessing.

Final starry image made in Photoshop; .psd file with layers and adjustements available here > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZTLc2Z28kmGo8DN5XQmWR6bzf3eHW8rimV

SHO integration, without any Hb contribute.

Ha Oiii and Hb integration, withou any Sii contribute

M20 (NGC 6514) in SHO

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Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/8lkg32/

Dettagli d’acquisizione

Date: 16 Giugno 2023

Astrodon H-alpha 3nm 50×50 mm: 6×300″(30′)
Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm: 4×300″(20′)
Astrodon SII 3nm 50×50 mm: 6×300″(30′)

Integrazione: 1h 20′, giorno lunare medio: 27.92 giorni, fase lunare media: 2.89%

Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: Planewave CDK24

Camere Di Acquisizione: QHYCCD QHY600 Pro M  ×

Montature: Mathis Instruments MI-1000/1250

Filtri: Astrodon H-alpha 3nm 50×50 mm · Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm · Astrodon SII 3nm 50×50 mm

Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Annotations by PixInSight