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IC59 from SPA-3-CCD Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4, IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain

Telescopelive: https://telescope.live/gallery/ic59-widefield-spa-3-ccd

Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/7536891#annotated


IC59 stars spikes by ProdigitalSOFTWARE &GT, Starspikes Pro
IC59 Starless integration by Starnet2, PixInSight

IC59 within SH2-185, Cassiopea.

Stunning SHO narrowband data from Spain Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4.

Final integration of starless (Starnet2) nebula color background plus stars from Ha integration as luminance.

Postproduction by PixInSight and Photoshop.

JWST NIRCam starless and luminance approach for postprocessing

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NGC2070 Tarantula Nebula in Dorado, JWST NIRCAM raw data

After processing James Webb Space Telescope raw calibrated .fit data focused about NGC2070 by Photoshop screen colorized blending layers, with colours assigned according to NIRCAM filters guideline (cfr.: https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-near-infrared-camera ) I was able to obtain this preliminary result.

Integration of NIRCAM f090W, f187N, f200W, f335M and f444W filters

According to spectrum values indicated by NIRCAM filters guidelines I decided a different approach for postproduction, considering the lowest nm values as “blue” colour band, the middle nm values as green, and the highest nm as red channel for an RGB combination.

Using Pixelmath I thus combined in PixInSight f090W and f187N masters creating my blue channel, f200W and f335N as the green channel, and f444W master for red channel.

NIRCAM f090W + f187N filter integration (PixInSight > Pixelmath)
NIRCAM f200W + f335N filter integration (PixInSight > Pixelmath)
NIRCAM f444W filter

Being NIRCAM data results of very narrowband recordings, I approach such masters as a peculiar SHO integration, and decided to attempt a starless integration for nebula details and colours work, and final recomposition of starry image using star luminance layer.

Starless version of each master I obtained by PixInSight > Starnet2. Each master I then stretched and export as .tiff in Photoshop for contrast adjustement, star residual removing and hot pixels fixing.

Starless NIRCAM f090W + f187N filter integration
Starless NIRCAM f200W + f335N filter integration
Starless NIRCAM f444W filter

In Photoshop I imported each master into pertinent RGB channel. Then I provide to contrast, saturation and Brightness adjustement layers and fix other pixels problem emerged from channels combination.

Starless LRGB integration where: L=f444W R=f444W G=f200W+f335N B=f090W+f187M JWST NIRCAM NGC2070

Starry NIRCAM f444W filter master as luminance was finally imported as upper layer in luminosity blending mode, while starless f444W master for starless version.

JWST NIRCam NGC2070 Tarantula Nebula

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James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam NGC2070 “Tarantula Nebula” , filters f090W, f187N, f200W, f335M and f444W

Photoshop screen blending mode and colorizing layers of f090W, f187N, f200W, f335M, f444W master calibrated RAW .fit data of James Webb Space Telescope NIRCAM mosaic photo session focused on NGC 2070.

Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/uv9q6w/

NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet, SHO Palette – Telescopelive

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NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet in SHO Palette. RAW .fits calibrated file from Telescopelive



TelescopeLive: https://telescope.live/gallery/ngc2359-thors-helmet-4

Annotation by PixInSight

NGC1365, approaching to JWST MIRI data

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NGC 1365 JWST MIRI mosaic, filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W

According to James Webb Space Telescope official documentation (cfr. https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument) the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) provides imaging and spectroscopic observing modes from 4.9 to 27.9 μm. These wavelengths can be utilized for studies including, but not limited to: direct imaging of young warm exoplanets and spectroscopy of their atmospheres; identification and characterization of the first galaxies at redshifts z > 7; and analysis of warm dust and molecular gas in young stars and proto-planetary disks.

MIRI imaging filter curves and wavelenght are resumed below

MIRI imaging filter curves – https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument, figure 3

MIRI coronagraphic imaging filter curves – https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument, figure 4

From Mikulksky Archive for Space Telescopes I downloaded raw calibrated .tif data focused about NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, a double-barred spiral galaxy about 56 million light-years away in the constellation Fornax.

Among all data available I picked-up 3 sessions: a wide field MIRI mosaic by filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W, a small field MIRI mosaic by the same filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W a small NIRCAM field mosaic by filters f200W, f300M, f335M and f360M.

NGC 1365 JWST MIRI mosaic, filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W
NGC 1365 JWST NIRCAM mosaic, filters f200W, f300M, f335M, f360M

NGC 1672 Seyfert Galaxy

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NGC 1672 Seyfert type II nucleus galaxy, from CH-1-CCD > Telescoplive .raw data


Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/7393327#annotated

Telescope Live: https://telescope.live/gallery/ngc-1672-7

Annotated integration by PixInSight


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Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/vmtkrd/

Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/7363248#annotated

Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: Takahashi FSQ-106ED

Camere Di Acquisizione: FLI PL16083

Filtri: Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50×50 mmSoftwareAdobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Camere Di GuidaStarlight Xpress Ultrastar M

Large Magellanic Cloud, (Nubecula Major)
LRGB 300″ and 600″ subframes integration, data retrieved from Telescopelive.com/AUS-2 sessions focused on Large Magellanic Cloud.
Scope: AUS-2 Takahashi FSQ-106ED, cfr. https://help.telescope.live/hc/en-us/articles/360005155197-AUS-2-10cm-F3-6-Refractor [17/02/2023]
Camera: ProLine FLI PL16083, cfr. https://help.telescope.live/hc/en-us/article_attachments/4406735822609/PL16803.pdf [17/02/2023]
Integration and first stretch by PixInSight; final post-production by Photoshop

White Balance values according to PixInSight > Spectrophotometric Color Calibration