22 Luglio 2021
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APOCamere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI183MC ProMontature: SkyWatcher AZ-GTI · Skywatcher EQ35MTelescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide ScopeCamere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-CSoftware: Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · Lightroom · Stark Labs Phd2 · Photoshop · Astroberry · KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OSFiltri: SVBONY SII Filter 2″ · SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm · SVBONY OIII 18nmAccessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″
Date: 22 Aprile 2021 , 23 Aprile 2021 , 24 Aprile 2021 , 02 Maggio 2021 , 08 Maggio 2021 , 27 Maggio 2021 , 31 Maggio 2021 , 01 Giugno 2021 , 03 Giugno 2021 , 09 Giugno 2021 , 12 Giugno 2021 , 13 Giugno 2021 , 14 Giugno 2021 , 15 Giugno 2021 , 17 Giugno 2021 , 22 Giugno 2021 , 26 Giugno 2021 , 27 Giugno 2021 , 28 Giugno 2021 , 29 Giugno 2021 , 01 Luglio 2021 , 05 Luglio 2021 , 06 Luglio 2021 , 09 Luglio 2021 , 12 Luglio 2021 , 14 Luglio 2021 Pose: SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm : 56×300″ (4h 40′) (gain: 180.00) -15C bin 1×1SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm : 245×300″ (20h 25′) (gain: 180.00) 0C bin 1×1SVBONY OIII 18nm : 106×300″ (8h 50′) (gain: 180.00) -15C bin 1×1SVBONY OIII 18nm : 20×300″ (1h 40′) (gain: 180.00) 0C bin 1×1SVBONY SII Filter 2″ : 106×300″ (8h 50′) (gain: 180.00) -15C bin 1×1Integrazione: 44h 25′Dark: ~28Flat: ~28Dark dei flat: ~28Giorno lunare medio: 15.51 giorniFase lunare media: 46.90%Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00
Astrometry.net job: 4776216 Centro AR: 20h 23′ 13″Centro DEC: +40° 47′ 59″Campionamento: 1,989 arcsec/pixelOrientazione: 125,144 gradiRaggio del campo: 1,768 gradi
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/zhd4gn/
An SHO palette integration for NGC6910 field. Subrfames recorded by William Optics Redcat 51 and ASI183MC-Pro with 2″ Svbony Ha, Sii, Oiii narrowband filters. Drizzle data integration and postproduction by PixInSight, Photoshop and Lightroom. Subframe list as follow:HA WO51 ASI183 AZGTi NGC6910 -15C Ha G180 300s_26062021 16 WO51 ASI183 AZGTi NGC6910 Ha -15C G180 300sec_22062021 17 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Ha -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_01072021 23 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Ha G180 300sec_08052021 26 WO51Redcat ASI183 Ha NGC6910 G180 300s_03062021 26 WO51Redcat ASI183 Ha NGC6910 G180 300sec_01062021 28 WO51Redcat ASI183 Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_27052021 29 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 G180 300sec_31052021 30 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_02052021 21 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_08052021 26 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_22042021 7 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_23042021 28 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Ha NGC6910 Gain180 300sec_24042021 24
Sii WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_06072021 13 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_09072021 15 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_12072021 22 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_14072021 13 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_28062021 18 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Sii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_29062021 13 WO51ASI183 NGC6910 Siii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_12072021 12
Oiii WO51 ASI183 AZGTi NGC6910 -15C Oii G180 300sec_27062021 15 WO51 ASI183 NGC6910 Oiii -15C G180 300sec AZGTi_05072021 18 WO51Redcat ASI183 -15C Oiii NGC6910 G180 300sec_15062021 21 WO51Redcat ASI183 -15C Oiii NGC6910 G180 300sec_17062021 21 WO51Redcat ASI183 Oiii -15C NGC6910 G180 300sec_13062021 15 WO51Redcat ASI183 Oiii -15C NGC6910 G180 300sec_14062021 16 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro Oiii NGC6910 G180 300sec_09062021 20
Map of NGC6910 region in BW/inverted color. Labels by PixInSight image solver and render annotation scripts.
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Deep Sky ,
Ha ,
Hubble ,
Kstars ,
Narrowband ,
NGC6910 ,
Oiii ,
PHD2 ,
Sii ,
Sky-Watcher AZ-GTI ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Stars ,
Svbony ,
William Optics Redcat 51 ,
William Optics v1.5 RedCat 51 APO ,
Xiuart ,
ZWO ASI183MC Pro (color)
15 Luglio 2021
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
AZ-GTi ,
Deep Sky ,
EQM35-Pro ,
Ha ,
Hubble palette ,
IC1396 ,
Kstars ,
Narrowband ,
Oiii ,
PHD2 ,
QHY 30/130 ,
Sii ,
Sky-Watcher AZ-GTI ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Svbony ,
William Optics Redcat 51 ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
Xiuart ,
ZWO ASI183MC Pro (color)
7 Luglio 2021
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/sgo4uc/
Astrometry: http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4848320#annotated
Art ,
Astroberry ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Galleries ,
Kstars ,
M92 ,
NGC6341 ,
PHD2 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Stars ,
William Optics Redcat 51 ,
William Optics v1.5 RedCat 51 APO ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
Xiuart ,
ZWO ASI183MC Pro (color)
6 Luglio 2021
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APOCamere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI183MC ProMontature: SkyWatcher AZ-GTITelescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide ScopeCamere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-CSoftware: Lightroom · Stark Labs Phd2 · Photoshop · Astroberry · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OSFiltri: SVBONY H-Alpha 7nmAccessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″
Date: 22 Giugno 2021 , 26 Giugno 2021 , 01 Luglio 2021 Pose: SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm : 55×300″ (4h 35′) (gain: 180.00) -15C bin 1×1Integrazione: 4h 35′Dark: ~33Flat: ~33Dark dei flat: ~33Giorno lunare medio: 16.88 giorniFase lunare media: 80.68%Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00Temperatura: 18.00
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/o5duea/
Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4845717#annotated
William Optics Redcat 51, ASI183MC-Pro with 2″ Ha narrowband filter by Svbony. Mount: Skywatcher AZ-Gti in EQMOD, fw. downgrade to 3.20 from actual latest 3.26 to support PHD2 guiding in Astroberry server (Raspberry Pi4, 4gb). After some attempts failed, according to some bugs reported for incompatibilities among astroberry>Kstars/PHD2 guiding, I downgrade my AZ-GTi to firmware 3.20, since then getting able to perform very quick calibration and autoguiding both in PHD2 and internal Kstars. This is an integration of some Ha subframe taken at 300sec, Gain180, -15C with ASI183MC-Pro on WO Redcat 51 from home balcony, Bortle 6 urban sky.
B/W palette
Art ,
Astroberry ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Astrophotography ,
AZ-GTi ,
Deep Sky ,
Deepsky ,
Ha ,
Kstars ,
Narrowband ,
NGC6910 ,
PHD2 ,
Stars ,
William Optics Redcat 51 ,
William Optics v1.5 RedCat 51 APO ,
Xiuart ,
ZWO ASI183MC Pro (color)
8 Giugno 2021
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61 Software: Adobe Lightroom · Stark Labs Phd2 · Photoshop · Astroberry · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS Date:03 Giugno 2021 Pose:SVBONY CLS Clip Filter for Canon EOS: 1×600″ (10′) ISO400 Integrazione: 10′ Dark: ~17 Flat: ~17 Dark dei flat: ~17 Bias: ~17 Giorno lunare medio: 23.27 giorni Fase lunare media: 38.22% Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00 Temperatura: 14.00
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/h649o3/
Astrometry: http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4737569#annotated
A shooting star into NGC6910 and NGC6914 field. From a single subframe taken by Canon EOS550d with CLS clip filter on William Optics Zenithstar 61, ISO400 600sec, while recording focused on NGC6910 available on sky from my balcony in the first part of the night. To process this singular frame I made 3 copies and calibrated with dark/flat/BIAS once using normal BIAS integration, then using SUPERBIAS integration and calibration, thus to get 6 files to process with their drizzle data. Postprod by Phtoshop and Lightroom.
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Astrophotography ,
Canon EOS550d ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Kstars ,
Meteor ,
NGC6910 ,
NGC6914 ,
PHD2 ,
Sadr ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Stars ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
26 Maggio 2021
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APOCamere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI183MC ProMontature: Skywatcher EQ35MTelescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide ScopeCamere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-CSoftware: Adobe Lightroom · Stark Labs Phd2 · Photoshop · Astroberry · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OSFiltri: Optolong UHC 2″Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″
Date: 08 Aprile 2021 , 13 Aprile 2021 , 22 Aprile 2021 , 24 Aprile 2021 , 02 Maggio 2021 , 08 Maggio 2021 Pose: Optolong UHC 2″ : 48×300″ (4h) (gain: 180.00) -1C bin 1×1Integrazione: 4hGiorno lunare medio: 16.02 giorniFase lunare media: 41.69%
Astrometry.net job: 4552250 Centro AR: 16h 7′ 32″Centro DEC: +21° 47′ 2″Campionamento: 1,991 arcsec/pixelOrientazione: 125,269 gradiRaggio del campo: 1,676 gradi
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/gcyw90/
Astrometry: http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/5253550
Approaching to SH2-73 region and NGC6060 area with 2″ UHC filter by Optolong. From my balcony this area is available just few minutes among some buildings and my balcony roof, from 23 to 24:00 about in April and May, thus I needed to take some frame each favourable night. Bad weather didn’t help in recording plenty and good quality signal. Frame integrated by GradientDomain> GradientMergeMosaic for wider filed view, while drizzle data integration of selected best frame for NGC6060 closer focused view. WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC NGC6060 Gain180 300sec_08042021 x 3 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC SH2-73 Gain180 300sec_02052021 x 10 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC SH2-73 Gain180 300sec_08052021 x 11 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC SH2-73 Gain180 300sec_13042021 x 9 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC SH2-73 Gain180 300sec_22042021 x 3 WO51Redcat ASI183MC-Pro UHC SH2-73 Gain180 300sec_24042021 x 12
No spikes integration frame version.
SH2-73 region approaching in UHC 2″ filter by Optolong
DSO list:
NGC and IC catalogs (9900 objects) Name;RA(deg);Dec(deg);PixelX;PixelY;Common name NGC6032;240.754920;20.955694;247.397392;2305.692922; NGC6035;240.850380;20.890944;243.525875;2106.415151; NGC6052;241.304085;20.542917;167.602336;1116.624885; NGC6060;241.467165;21.484389;1719.831596;1869.859720;
PGC HYPERLEDA I catalog of 983,261 galaxies Name;RA(deg);Dec(deg);PixelX;PixelY PGC1647509;240.156250;21.316389;207.738479;3507.570275 PGC1650180;240.246250;21.446389;487.531994;3516.456569 PGC1650108;240.269167;21.443056;504.533171;3481.283315 PGC1650789;240.307083;21.475833;589.652484;3462.496458 PGC1649007;240.318750;21.389722;472.712285;3357.724680 PGC1650093;240.341250;21.442222;572.403187;3380.597545 PGC56731;240.417917;21.353333;513.760066;3182.901997 PGC56738;240.440833;21.196667;302.793385;2989.749692 PGC1645726;240.442083;21.235000;361.001256;3027.513836 PGC1656965;240.460000;21.773056;1178.227661;3557.109991 PGC1645924;240.478333;21.244167;409.485467;2986.729223 PGC1657323;240.535833;21.791111;1277.703950;3471.043385 PGC1649947;240.544167;21.435833;757.681030;3093.189041 PGC1639166;240.570833;20.938056;43.504738;2542.809153 PGC56803;240.626667;21.120556;368.550500;2653.710788 PGC1641572;240.689583;21.047222;320.268405;2490.811651 PGC1650058;240.694167;21.440278;908.485036;2890.369020 PGC1649397;240.707917;21.408333;874.272772;2838.374057 PGC1665682;240.726250;22.212222;2085.569297;3643.342770 PGC1655831;240.736667;21.722500;1368.419459;3123.164994 PGC214447;240.753333;20.984722;288.973158;2337.890182 PGC56842;240.755000;20.956667;248.919124;2306.587193 PGC1665775;240.762500;22.217222;2127.677035;3598.680693 PGC1666584;240.794583;22.260278;2222.293518;3599.087773 PGC1662853;240.819583;22.066111;1958.042101;3364.028365 PGC56856;240.823333;21.591667;1257.496530;2868.405503 PGC1643774;240.840417;21.146111;612.656999;2384.117925 PGC56864;240.850833;20.891111;244.212382;2105.959571 PGC1668323;240.878333;22.351944;2438.478612;3578.872363 PGC1648142;240.942500;21.345833;1007.522243;2449.597149 PGC1663667;240.945417;22.108889;2142.172424;3235.282418 PGC1636807;240.945833;20.828333;242.980597;1909.303770 PGC1636211;240.946250;20.801389;203.403397;1880.830211 PGC1642800;240.953333;21.101944;656.181068;2182.172554 PGC1665847;240.954583;22.220833;2317.003362;3338.550096 PGC1633009;240.980417;20.659444;25.902733;1686.451755 PGC1637755;240.992083;20.872222;352.884044;1890.655683 PGC1639189;241.032500;20.939167;491.318520;1904.023469 PGC1646212;241.056250;21.258056;987.163661;2201.567724 PGC56926;241.062500;21.763889;1743.109064;2717.016580 PGC1654831;241.102500;21.673333;1647.406547;2568.106216 PGC1667210;241.106250;22.293056;2569.529635;3205.245088 PGC1661667;241.127500;22.006111;2164.669781;2878.647754 PGC1642809;241.152083;21.102222;848.846788;1907.607268 PGC1648789;241.210000;21.379167;1315.255618;2114.911194 PGC1661347;241.211667;21.989722;2221.354494;2746.037000 PGC1648812;241.234167;21.380000;1339.854003;2082.446230 PGC1674354;241.248333;22.686111;3288.145139;3418.420140 PGC1645834;241.299583;21.239722;1195.379413;1846.583291 PGC200329;241.305000;20.541389;166.228875;1113.768570 PGC57039;241.305000;20.542222;167.463544;1114.634345 PGC1664646;241.308333;22.159167;2565.325986;2789.245499 PGC1654589;241.317083;21.660556;1835.477531;2259.473217 PGC1646237;241.318750;21.258889;1242.325005;1840.041268 PGC57050;241.334583;22.345000;2865.720846;2946.265656 PGC1671243;241.347083;22.507500;3118.321196;3097.953898 PGC1647111;241.351667;21.296944;1330.552288;1834.166299 PGC1673819;241.358333;22.655556;3348.323244;3236.391276 PGC1652306;241.397500;21.548056;1746.643381;2031.939024 PGC57080;241.397917;21.558333;1762.258903;2042.046640 PGC57085;241.403333;22.186389;2697.052846;2687.304931 PGC91500;241.427500;22.456389;3119.904172;2934.864017 PGC57110;241.466667;21.484444;1719.431180;1870.603365 PGC1659862;241.477083;21.916389;2368.603100;2305.475897 PGC1644011;241.479167;21.156389;1246.114069;1512.187594 PGC57116;241.494167;22.632500;3444.563677;3026.905478 PGC1673567;241.497500;22.641667;3461.328201;3031.890212 PGC57117;241.497500;21.360278;1565.581057;1699.000237 PGC1673723;241.498333;22.650278;3474.869567;3039.710711 PGC1655118;241.501667;21.688611;2055.367960;2034.807278 PGC214459;241.503333;20.847222;812.083667;1157.165947 PGC1651850;241.509167;21.527500;1824.280663;1856.896659 PGC57124;241.518333;20.801389;758.853406;1088.729831 PGC1634027;241.524583;20.702778;619.008917;977.448094 PGC57125;241.525000;20.784444;740.268157;1061.875349 PGC1653975;241.542500;21.629444;2007.348265;1917.122859 PGC3089913;241.567500;21.063611;1194.638529;1293.761422 PGC1628062;241.583333;20.462778;321.139040;646.195986 PGC1653504;241.592917;21.605833;2021.236693;1823.242375 PGC1643140;241.627917;21.117500;1333.065031;1266.533150 PGC1648813;241.639167;21.380000;1732.139968;1524.453763 PGC1641722;241.643333;21.053611;1253.579012;1178.715810 PGC1651237;241.643750;21.497778;1910.720576;1640.825445 PGC1678903;241.658333;22.953611;4077.153873;3137.411067 PGC1684446;241.670833;23.271111;4558.674543;3451.309211 PGC1662100;241.712500;22.026944;2759.470235;2097.798058 PGC1634099;241.721667;20.706389;816.478352;708.636680 PGC1629760;241.728333;20.526667;557.248698;511.985918 PGC1637031;241.741250;20.839722;1032.696215;820.620768 PGC1618414;241.746250;20.160278;32.929391;104.919527 PGC57199;241.778750;22.060833;2873.593401;2042.404453 PGC1643336;241.803333;21.126111;1516.435673;1033.704601 PGC1688352;241.822083;23.493889;5032.912348;3478.533107 PGC1639961;241.836250;20.975556;1326.052002;831.225926 PGC1672503;241.852083;22.576667;3706.424173;2480.349778 PGC1649889;241.854583;21.433056;2019.737158;1283.458318 PGC1683829;241.877500;23.236111;4705.072892;3134.221540 PGC1683601;241.880833;23.221667;4686.930575;3114.612833 PGC1681169;241.890417;23.085000;4494.225122;2958.873589 PGC1682281;241.897500;23.147222;4592.951034;3014.237973 PGC1686989;241.913750;23.416944;5007.035725;3273.958521 PGC57234;241.915000;22.341667;3420.085546;2149.171969 PGC1685712;241.923333;23.340556;4903.368803;3181.154013 PGC1680232;241.924583;23.033056;4450.340218;2858.199876 PGC1692696;241.932500;23.733611;5492.928813;3579.525107 PGC1691698;241.932917;23.680000;5414.100478;3522.920844 PGC1653022;241.953750;21.581667;2335.558306;1302.410960 PGC1653862;241.962500;21.623889;2406.391981;1334.508704 PGC1643416;241.995417;21.129444;1708.511276;772.633570 PGC1643625;242.051250;21.139722;1778.140011;706.525663 PGC1685041;242.090417;23.304444;5010.515913;2916.929181 PGC57265;242.094167;23.479444;5272.467563;3094.996120 PGC57263;242.098333;23.473333;5267.446415;3082.960980 PGC2806950;242.102500;21.190278;1902.745892;688.890176 PGC1649685;242.107500;21.423333;2251.476070;925.822948 PGC1643578;242.117917;21.137500;1839.919125;612.464214 PGC57272;242.140833;21.080833;1778.691222;521.630460 PGC1689210;242.146250;23.544444;5418.436930;3092.586645 PGC1671963;242.165000;22.546111;3963.475939;2021.984936 PGC1639824;242.174167;20.968889;1646.119502;358.559719 PGC1666748;242.180833;22.269444;3570.752705;1710.807327 PGC1638723;242.187917;20.916944;1582.940232;285.232456 PGC57280;242.209583;22.042500;3263.975562;1433.964191 PGC1668490;242.239583;22.361667;3763.679173;1727.241759 PGC1685015;242.247083;23.302500;5158.377402;2702.681566 PGC1676722;242.277500;22.823611;4481.468912;2159.586302 PGC57290;242.280417;21.867500;3074.810966;1153.836459 PGC1673387;242.280417;22.630833;4200.065844;1953.613038 PGC1687845;242.305833;23.465556;5455.442726;2794.123966 PGC1641358;242.309167;21.037500;1879.354204;244.616614 PGC1686418;242.309583;23.382222;5336.146195;2701.663307 PGC1678983;242.320000;22.958056;4720.746918;2242.802592 PGC1647326;242.345833;21.306944;2312.373785;476.696163 PGC91503;242.377083;22.335833;3858.949725;1512.761994 PGC1686425;242.437083;23.382778;5459.817227;2529.806042 PGC57337;242.464167;22.614722;4354.299792;1686.836737 PGC214463;242.480833;22.570556;4305.404967;1617.815132 PGC91505;242.490000;22.736111;4558.144659;1779.168652 PGC57349;242.520000;22.649722;4459.989156;1647.702401 PGC1643417;242.525000;21.129444;2226.175530;44.395323 PGC1643343;242.526667;21.126389;2223.308617;38.896741 PGC1677970;242.583333;22.898889;4888.296234;1823.505761 PGC1674426;242.632917;22.689444;4628.025925;1536.077947 PGC1675990;242.635417;22.781389;4765.795295;1629.351324 PGC57391;242.718333;22.625556;4616.960071;1352.912211 PGC1677100;242.750417;22.845556;4971.821332;1540.903078 PGC57420;242.837083;22.375000;4363.979321;927.818506 PGC57477;243.117917;22.620556;4998.716709;805.547866 PGC57479;243.121667;22.611667;4989.319981;791.076996 PGC1670024;243.168333;22.444722;4789.722894;551.438071 PGC1675431;243.180000;22.746667;5244.499969;854.667637 PGC57504;243.226667;22.397222;4777.021206;422.077961 PGC1670436;243.233750;22.467222;4886.708182;486.466179 PGC1670556;243.238333;22.473333;4900.160902;486.710144 PGC1676244;243.282917;22.795556;5416.712676;767.070121 PGC1672850;243.487500;22.598056;5327.006927;281.101948
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Deep Sky ,
Kstars ,
NGC6060 ,
PHD2 ,
SH2-73 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
William Optics Redcat 51 ,
William Optics v1.5 RedCat 51 APO ,
Xiuart ,
ZWO ASI183MC Pro (color)
21 Maggio 2021
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Canon EOS550d ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Galaxy ,
Kstars ,
M33 ,
PHD2 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
20 Maggio 2021
Andromeda ,
Art ,
Astroberry ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Canon EOS550d ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Deepsky ,
Kstars ,
M110 ,
M31 ,
M32 ,
PHD2 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
10 Maggio 2021
Alnitak ,
Art ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Deepsky ,
IC434 ,
Kstars ,
NGC2024 ,
Orion ,
PHD2 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Stars ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,
5 Maggio 2021
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/y6ao2p/
Astrometry: http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4612086#annotated
Annotated mosaic frame (by PixInSight)
M81 and M82 mosaic field at F360 (William Optics Zenithstar 61 / EOS550d) PixInSight platesolving and annotation of Galaxies and DSO. Drizzle data integration of many frames at ISO400, 600sec with CLS (Svbony) and UHC (Optolong) 2″ filter.
Art ,
Astroberry ,
Astroberry Server ,
Astronomy ,
Canon EOS550d ,
Canon EOS550d Full Spect. IRcut ,
Deep Sky ,
Kstars ,
M81 ,
M82 ,
NGC2976 ,
NGC3034 ,
PixInSight ,
QHY 30/130 ,
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Pro Synscan GOTO ,
Stars ,
William Optics Zenithstar 61 f/5.9 APO Refractor 2018 ,