William Optics Zenithstar 61 Apo Canon EOS 550d Full spectrum IR cut Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO Astroberry (Raspberry Pi4b 8gb) Kstars, PHD2, PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom 26 lights in CLS filter by Svbony ISO400 600sec + Dark, flat, dark-flat, BIAS 7 lights in UHC filter by Optolong ISO400 600sec + Dark, flat, dark-flat, BIAS I’ve stopped using Deepskystacker and performed calibration, debayer, align nad integration by PixInSight; final post-prod by Photoshop and Lightroom.
William Optics Zenithstar 61 Apo Canon EOS 550d Full spectrum IR cut Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO Astroberry (Raspberry Pi4b 8gb) Kstars, PHD2, Deepskystacker, PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom 25 lights ISO400 600sec Svbony 2″ H alpha filter among 17/10 and 20/10/2020
M42 Ori, ISO800 60sec William Optics Zenithstar 61 Apo Canon EOS 550d Full spectrum IR cut Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO Astroberry (Raspberry Pi4b 8gb) Kstars, PHD2, Deepskystacker, PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom Post processing in Hubble palette 17/12/2020 H alpha 2″ Svbony filter : 44 lights 60sec ISO400 > Green channel S ii 2″ Svbony filter : 32 lights 60sec ISO400 > Red channel O iii 2″ Svbony filter : 22 lights 60sec ISO400 > Blue channel
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61 Software: Adobe Lightroom · Photoshop · Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker · Stark Labs Phd2 Accessorio: SvBony 60mm FinderScope
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61 Software: Adobe Lightroom · Photoshop · Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker · Stark Labs Phd2 Filtri: Optolong UHC 2″ Accessorio: SvBony 60mm FinderScope
Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61 Software: Adobe Lightroom · Photoshop · Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker · Stark Labs Phd2 Filtri: Optolong UHC 2″ Accessorio: SvBony 60mm FinderScope
17 lights at 600sec, ISO400, UHC 2″ filter by Optolong: 14/12/2020
This guidescope is a very versatile 60mm aperture 240mm focal, an f4 with a built-in helical focuser for precise focusing of potential guide stars.
EOS550d on WO61 Zenithstar guided by Svbony SV106 60/240mm guidescope all commanded by PHD2 & Kstars on Astroberry server (Raspberry Pi4b/4Gb)
It ensures that the main mirror accurately tracks the celestial body to be observed. I use this SV106 as a deluxe straight-through finder scope, but last nights of November, as I’m looking for the way I can realize a new idea, I tried it in astrophotography with an ASI120MC-S to understand in “pratical” how the camera is going to work with a field made by a 60/240 configuration.
Svbony SV106 60/240 guidescope with ASI120MC-S. All gear is guided by the silvery mini scope QHY 30/130 with QHY5II-L camera through PHD2/Kstars by Astroberry (the little black box on middle tripod leg)
So, in parallel with my usual set up made by EOS550d on WO Zenithstar 61, I added the ASI120 to the Svbony SV106 and made all guided by the super excellent mini guide scope ZWO 30/130mm with QHY5 camera.
M51 SV106 ASI120MC-S Gain10 90sec
M51 SV106/ASI120MC-S Gain5 90sec
NGC1907 SV106/ASI120MC-S Gain10 90sec
M42 SV106/ASI120MC-S Gain10 30sec
NGC884, NGC869 SV106/ASI120MC-S Gain10 90sec
All are useful results to better understand which gear I have to look at, thus I need to decide among WO Redcat/Astrocat or TS61EDPH.