Jupiter 04/10/2022 RGB and C IRUV block
Jupiter 04/10/2022, Celestron C14 Edge, HD Camera Player One Uranus C IRUV block in RGB.
Jupiter 04/10/2022, Celestron C14 Edge, HD Camera Player One Uranus C IRUV block in RGB.
Galaxy IC342 in LRGB, single session, 2 subframes for channel, 600sec, Officina Stellare ProRC 700 with Proline FLI PL16803 at BIN2, IC Astronomy Observatory of Spain, from Telescopelive network.
A very hard postproduction because of few signal and not so good quality of data, but I really stocked into this processing.
LBN487 and NGC7023 in LRGB, Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 and Proline CCD FLI PL16083, subframes of 300sec at -25C from IC Astronomical Observatory of Spain, Telescopelive network.
I developed 3 different postproduction: an LRGB one directly developed after LRGB master integration in PixInSight.
I thus proceed to an RGB version and a final LRGB version where L channel, devided in stars and starless masters, I integrated into RGB star and starless layers group in Photoshop with different values, with stars contributing at 10% and starless Luminance at 100%.
RGB integration
Luminance starless master
Photoshop RGB and separated Luminance master available here: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ9CSDZm9yOwDzwaiH2lkIx0n2x90KYsRzV
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/s6a8tk/D/
According to Karina Voggel and Colleagues investigation of 2022 focused about NGC7727 galaxy in Aquarius, as merging of two distinct galaxies, it was evinced that both host a SMBH – super-massive black hole; cfr. Karina T. Voggel, Anil C. Seth, Holger Baumgardt, Bernd Husemann, Nadine Neumayer, Michael Hilker, Renuka Pechetti, Steffen Mieske, Antoine Dumont and Iskren Georgiev, 2022 “First direct dynamical detection of a dual supermassive black hole system at sub-kiloparsec separation” in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.658: A152 [doi https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140827]
Crabtree and Smecker-Hane 1994 researches gave datation of galaxies merging at about 1 billion years ago: cfr. Crabtree Dennis R. and Smecker-Hane Tammy, 1994 “Young Star Clusters and CO Gas in the Galaxy Merger, NGC 7727 (Arp 222)” in American Astronomical Society, 185th AAS Meeting, id.107.14; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 26, p.1499 [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1994AAS…18510714C/abstract]
LRGB 300sec subframes recorded between 11/08/2023 and 22/08/2023 by Planewave CDK24 and QHY 600M Pro CMOS camera from Telescoplive network El Sauce Observatory in Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile.
M33 from IC Spain Observatory, LRGB 600sec subframes recorded between 28/09/2021 and 16/01/2022 by Takahashi FSQ-106ED with Proline FLI PL16083 from Telescopelive network; astrobin https://www.astrobin.com/zkhypx/C/
Original widefield cropped twice
to better focusing about Galaxy.
M33 Galaxy lies among my best favourites targets and IMHO it is very difficult to be photographed.
Helix Nebula in narrowband, HOO and SHO palette.
Data retrieve from Telescopelive network, El Sauce Observatory in Chile, Planewave CDK24 with QHY600M Pro CMOS camera, subframes of 300sec recorded between 30/06/2023 and 02/07/2023.
SHO palette integration.
Starless and star composition made in Photoshop, with different fixing and adjustement layers; .psd master for SHO available here, and HOO here.
LRGB record of Draco galactic trio NGC5985, NGC5982 and NGC5981, from IC Astronomy Observatory of Telescopelive network, Officina Stellare ProRC 700 and Proline FLI PL16803 CCD camera, subframes of 300sec.
These galaxies are roughly 100 million light-years away. The faint, sharp-edged shells surrounding elliptical NGC 5982 suggests evidence of past galactic mergers.
I’m totally in love with Cygnus region, and try a 2 panel mosaic work focusing about NGC7000 and surroundings.
Starless and star integration made in Photoshop, with layers group blending in screen mode.; photoshop master available here > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZVj0sZbCSHNHTHUq8zzOIsayXkFHXxBDgX
Hbeta Optolong filter data used to intergate Oiii records for blu channel within RGB channel combination.
Complete framelist (Astrobin formatted CSV .txt file) available here: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ1j0sZkq9w5KIavmyB9PUde9Nt4fcxTR9k
Cygnus NGC7000 region in narrowband, with Hbeta records as integration of Oiii emission for Blue channel.
Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/76k369/
This is the second of a 2 panel mosaic focused about this region of Cygnus, so rich and beautiful! Subframes recorded between 27/05/2023 and 12/09/2023 with William Optics Redcat 51 and ASI1600mm Pro, at -20C, gain 173 and 180sec of exposition; some subframes at 300sec expecially for Halpha channel help in faint nebulosity detail emerging.
Typical SHO palette
Ha Oiii and Hbeta palette integration
Photoshop master with layers group and adjustement vailable here: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ9NXsZo1uiGtOAUqjyYRcfYkusnFHgzGnV
Framelist (Astrobin CSV preformatted) available here: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZdNXsZg65lchLciqBcYOw5sGYQkY9gXpWk
HIP102483 Cygnus region in narrowband, SHO and Hbeta channels.
This is the first of a couple of panel mosaic of narrowband recording focused about NGC7000 region in Cygnus; subframes of 180sec at -20C taken between 28/05/2023 and 22/08/2023 with ASI1600mm Pro under William Optics Redcat 51, mont EQM35 Pro.
SHO classic palette integration, with annotations
Ha Oiii and Hbeta palette integration
My preferred integration, with Sii for red channel, Ha for green and Oiii + Hbeta for blue.