Alnitak, NGC2024, NGC2023

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Photoshop  ·  Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm  ·  SVBONY CLS Clip Filter for Canon EOS
Accessorio: SvBony 60mm FinderScope



William Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Canon EOS 550d Full spectrum IR cut
Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO
PHD2, Deepskystacker, PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom
ISO400 600sec H alpha sVbony 2″ x 11 lights, 19, 20 and 21st October 2020
ISO800 180sec CLS Eos Clip sVbony filter x 13 lights 08/09/2020
ISO800 240sec CLS Eos Clip sVbony filter x 5 lights 14/09/2020
ISO1600 180sec CLS EOS Clip sVbony filter x 8 lights 07/09/2020

NGC884, NGC869

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Photoshop  ·  Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: Optolong UHC 2″
Accessorio: SvBony 60mm FinderScope



8 lights recorded on 22/11 and 26/11/2020 at ISO400, 600sec, UHC Optolong 2″ filter.

NGC884, NGC869
NGC884, NGC869