Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APO Camere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool Pro Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope Camere di guida: ZWO ASI 120MM Mini Software: ZWO ASIair Pro · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · Gimp Filtri: Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik · Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25 · astronomic Oiii 6nm Accessorio: ZWO 8x 1.25″ Filter Wheel (EFW) Date:11 Agosto 2021 , 12 Agosto 2021 , 14 Agosto 2021 , 15 Agosto 2021 , 17 Agosto 2021 , 18 Agosto 2021 , 19 Agosto 2021 , 29 Agosto 2021 , 30 Agosto 2021 , 31 Agosto 2021 , 01 Settembre 2021 , 05 Settembre 2021 , 06 Settembre 2021 , 07 Settembre 2021 , 08 Settembre 2021 , 09 Settembre 2021 , 10 Settembre 2021 , 11 Settembre 2021 , 12 Settembre 2021 , 13 Settembre 2021 Pose: Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25: 137×180″ (6h 51′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1 Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 112×180″ (5h 36′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1 Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 16×300″ (1h 20′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1 astronomic Oiii 6nm: 159×180″ (7h 57′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1 Integrazione: 21h 44′ Dark: 33 Flat: 33 Dark dei flat: 33 Giorno lunare medio: 11.30 giorni Fase lunare media: 33.02% Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00 Centro AR: 4h 0′ 40″ Centro DEC: +36° 25′ 27″ Campionamento: 3,148 arcsec/pixel Orientazione: 59,489 gradi Raggio del campo: 2,345 gradi
PixInSight had some problem in platesolving because of peculiar fits header, thus also was impossible to perform image registration > comet registration. I thus worked just by star registration of the few subframes and then play an image integration for each filter: I assigned R channel to zr filter, G to zg and B to zi even I suspect other choose may be taken. After that I made starless and star version for each channel and integrate in pixinsight the starry master, and in photoshop the starless master handly stacking rgb comet.
I finally played some photoshop tricks for pixel fixing, framing, dust lanes enhancing, etc… I would like a more wider field of view for a next attempt, but I confess to me is simply exciting and so so funny to make post-production over these enormous scientific quality data from such powerful instruments! As when I play with JWST or Hubble data (cfr. ) I’m simply totally stoked! Thanks again to Taras!!!
PixInSight workflow to get starless and star separated masters by Starnet2 from SHO channel combination integration, this latter used as luminance level; files not stretched hereby available:
Comet C-2022 E3 ZTF from Livorno, Bortle 6 degree suburban sky. Rare minutes of clear sky let me take about 10 subrafems of 60″ in LRGB between 4 and 6 a.m.. Very hard set to combine due to comet alignment shifting parameters. Postproduction PixInSight, StarXtermintator, Adobe Photoshop. Link here to raw .fits file of comet and star integration by Pixelmath.
Strumentazione Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APO Camere Di Acquisizione ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool Pro Montature Skywatcher EQ35M Filtri astronomic Oiii 6nm · Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25 · Astronomic 1,25″ Luminance · Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik Accessori ZWO 8x 1.25″ Filter Wheel (EFW) Software ZWO ASIair Pro · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · Lightroom · Photoshop · Astroberry Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Guida QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope Camere Di Guida ZWO ASI120MM Mini