NGC1893, IC417

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Astroberry  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY CLS 2”  ·  Optolong UHC 2″  ·  SVBONY OIII 18nm
Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″



18 frames ISO400 600sec CLS 2″ Svbony filter, dark, flat, BIAS
24 frames ISO400 600sec Oiii 2″ Svbony filter, dark, flat and BIAS
17 frames ISO400 600sec UHC 2″ Optolong filter, dark, flat, BIAS
Postprod.: PixInSight, Photoshop and Lightroom

Cygnus tail, NGC7000, Deneb

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Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  Photoshop
Filtri: SVBONY CLS Clip Filter for Canon EOS



Deneb and NGC7000 region in Cygnus.
Drizzle integration of 12 lights dated 11/08/2020 at f/3,2 ISO200 299sec with Canon EF85 on EOS550d Full Specturm IR cut, CLS EOS clip filter by Svbony.
Location Livorno hometown, from balcony.
Postprod.: Photoshop and Lightroom.

Cygnus, Cepheus

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Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY CLS Clip Filter for Canon EOS



Whide field picture with part of Cygnus, Cepheus, Lacerta and Draco.
PixInSight drizzle integration of 27 lights ISO400 F24 f/4 with EF24-105 by Canon, on EOS550d Full spectrum IR cut and CLS EOS clip by Svbony.
Postprod.: Photoshop and Lightroom

NGC7000, NGC6997

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Astroberry  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY CLS 2”



NGC7000, NGC6997 ISO400 600sec CLS filter
PixInSight drizzle integration of 18 lights from home balcony.
Postprod.: Photoshop and Lightroom

M45 Pleiades

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Astroberry  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY CLS 2”  ·  Optolong UHC 2″  ·  SVBONY OIII 18nm
Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″



M45 Pleiades, in UHC, CLS and Oiii band at ISO400 600sec
24 lights CLS 2″ Svbony filter
11 lights Oiii narrowband 2″ Svbony filter
28 lights UHC 2″ Optolong filter
Calibration, alignment and drizzle integration by PixInSight
Posproduction Photoshop and Lightroom

NGC2099 / M37, IC439

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: SVBONY SV106 60mm Guidescope
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Astroberry  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: Optolong UHC 2″
Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″



NGC2099 / M37, IC439
Canon EOS550d Full spectrum IR cut
William Optics Zenithstar 61APO
Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO
Guidescope Svbony SV106 60/240 with QHY5II-L
Kstars, PHD2 on Astroberry [Raspberry Pi4b 8gb]
Postprod.: PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom
Drizzle integration of 10 lights, 600sec ISO400 with UHC 2″ filter by Optolong, 13/12/2020