NGC1499 in SHO

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APO
Camere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool Pro
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope
Camere di guida: ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
Software: ZWO ASIair Pro · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · Gimp
Filtri: Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik · Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25 · astronomic Oiii 6nm
Accessorio: ZWO 8x 1.25″ Filter Wheel (EFW)
Date:11 Agosto 2021 , 12 Agosto 2021 , 14 Agosto 2021 , 15 Agosto 2021 , 17 Agosto 2021 , 18 Agosto 2021 , 19 Agosto 2021 , 29 Agosto 2021 , 30 Agosto 2021 , 31 Agosto 2021 , 01 Settembre 2021 , 05 Settembre 2021 , 06 Settembre 2021 , 07 Settembre 2021 , 08 Settembre 2021 , 09 Settembre 2021 , 10 Settembre 2021 , 11 Settembre 2021 , 12 Settembre 2021 , 13 Settembre 2021
Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25: 137×180″ (6h 51′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 112×180″ (5h 36′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 16×300″ (1h 20′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
astronomic Oiii 6nm: 159×180″ (7h 57′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Integrazione: 21h 44′
Dark: 33
Flat: 33
Dark dei flat: 33
Giorno lunare medio: 11.30 giorni
Fase lunare media: 33.02%
Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00
Centro AR: 4h 0′ 40″
Centro DEC: +36° 25′ 27″
Campionamento: 3,148 arcsec/pixel
Orientazione: 59,489 gradi
Raggio del campo: 2,345 gradi


NGC1499 California Nebula
William Optics Redcat 51 | ASI1600mm-Pro

SHO palette from Astronomik narrowband Ha, Sii Oiii 1,25″ filters drizzle data integration.
List of subframes as follow:
Ha: 11/08/2021 3 300s; 12/08/2021 13 300s;
14/08/2021 31 180s; 15/08/2021 30; 06/09/2021 6; 07/09/2021 25; 08/09/2021 9; 09/09/2021 9; 10/09/2021 2.

Sii Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20C : 29/08/2021 13; 30/08/2021 29; 31/08/2021 19; 01/09/2021 26; 05/09/2021 4; 06/09/2021 26; 09/09/2021 10; 10/09/2021 10

Oiii Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20C: 17/08/2021 29; 18/08/2021 31; 19/08/2021 11; 08/09/2021 10; 09/09/2021 10; 10/09/2021 10; 11/09/2021 6; 12/09/2021 34; 13/09/2021 18

Postproduction GIMP.

Ha Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 129 subframe integration: 16 Gain 200 offset 50, 300sec -20 Celsius, 113 180sec
Sii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 137 subframes integration, Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius
Oiii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 159 subframes integration, Gain 200 Offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius

NGC1499 California nebula

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SHO palette from narrowband Ha, Sii Oiii drizzle data integration
Ha Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 129 subframe integration: 16 Gain 200 offset 50, 300sec -20 Celsius, 113 180sec
Sii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 137 subframes integration, Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius
Oiii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 159 subframes integration, Gain 200 Offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius


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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Astroberry  ·  Photoshop  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY H-Alpha 7nm  ·  Optolong UHC 2″  ·  SVBONY SII Filter 2″  ·  SVBONY CLS 2”  ·  SVBONY OIII 18nm
Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″



Drizzle data integration by PixInSight of :
28 lights ISO400 600sec CLS 2″ filter by Svbony,
25 lights ISO400 600sec UHC 2″ filter by Optolong,
26 lights ISO400 600sec Ha 2″ filter by Svbony,
12 lights ISO400 600sec Sii 2″ filter by Svbony,
10 lights ISO400 600sec Oiii 2″ filter by Svbony.
Canon EOS 550d Full spectrum IR cut
William Optics Zenithstar 61APO
Skywatcher EQM35 Pro Synscan GOTO
Guidescope Svbony SV106 60/240mm with QHY5II-L
PHD2 and Kstars on Astroberry server [Raspberry Pi4b 8gb]
Postprod.: PixInSight, Photoshop, Lightroom