Sh2-214, 215 and unidentified sharpless Hii spot, SHO palette

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Sh2-214 and Sh2-215 very faint practically invisible Sh2 spot within Cepheus area; starless master shows both faint nebulosity and a third spot which I wasn’t able to identify.

There’s practically no literature about; cfr. and for Simbaud/Strasburg records.

Cfr. also


Starried (up) crop view and wider field from original integration.

Sarried wider field with annotations.

Sh2-157, NGC7635 in SHO palette

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SH2-157, the Lobster Claw Nebula, is an emission nebula located about 11,000 light-years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia.

According to SHO palette, red/orange and predominantly yellow regions of the nebula evinced a very large H II region while the blue-colored are predominately regions featured by the emission of light from molecular oxygen.

On the top NGC 7635 – the Bubble Nebula, and on the middle the star cluster NGC 7510.


M51 region, HOO starless RGB stars

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Astrobin :

Integration of HOO starless and RGB stars masters; luminance added by Ha channel.

Narrowband Ha and Oiii subframes at 180″ -20C, gain 173 and gain 139. LRGB subframes at 60″.

Subframe list available here

Barnard 33 (IC434) SHO palette

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Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: William Optics Redcat 51
Camere Di Acquisizione: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
Montature : Sky-Watcher EQM-35 ×
Filtri: Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm · Astronomik OIII CCD 12nm 1.25″ · Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm · Astronomik SII CCD 6nm
Accessori : ZWO ASIAIR Plus · ZWO ASIAIR Pro · ZWO EAF · ZWO EFW 8 x 1.25″ / 31mm
Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Guida : QHYCCD Mini Guide Scope
Camere Di Guida : ZWO ASI120MM Mini

Dettagli d’acquisizione
09 Dicembre 2021 · 11 Dicembre 2021 · 12 Dicembre 2021 · 13 Dicembre 2021 · 15 Dicembre 2021 · 16 Dicembre 2021 · 17 Dicembre 2021 · 18 Dicembre 2021 · 08 Gennaio 2022 · 09 Gennaio 2022 · 10 Gennaio 2022 · 11 Gennaio 2022 · 12 Gennaio 2022 · 13 Gennaio 2022 · 14 Gennaio 2022 · 16 Gennaio 2022 · 18 Gennaio 2022 · 22 Gennaio 2022 · 23 Gennaio 2022 · 24 Gennaio 2022 · 28 Gennaio 2022 · 29 Gennaio 2022 · 31 Gennaio 2022 · 01 Febbraio 2022 · 02 Febbraio 2022 · 05 Febbraio 2022

Astronomik H-alpha CCD 12nm 1.25″: 79×180″(3h 57′) (gain: 139.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik OIII CCD 12nm 1.25″: 62×180″(3h 6′) (gain: 139.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik SII CCD 12nm 1.25″: 77×180″(3h 51′) (gain: 139.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Integrazione: 10h 54′
Dark: 33, Flat: 33, Dark dei flat: 33
Giorno lunare medio: 12.35 giorni
Fase lunare media: 58.64%
Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00

M42 LRGB with Ha and Oiii integration

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Reprocessing 2022 records focused about M42 region.
In this work there’s a main core in LRGB, background removed, SPColorCalibrated, Deconvoltued and denoised is then integrated and boosted by Ha and Oiii narrowband master (Bgremoved, Deconvoluted and denoised) with Ha applied to L and R channel, Oiii to Green and Blue.
Final starless and 0.65 stars pixelmath blended and Photoshop retouches. 

M101 / NGC5457

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In this workflow I used Ha narrowband as integration for Luminance and Red channel, and Oiii narrowband master as integration for Green and Blue channel as according to Kayron Mercieca, cfr.:
Approved subframes detailed list (PixInSight weighted) resumed gathered by filter, all by Astronomic, recorded between 28/10/2021 and 25/04/2023. 
Ha: 226 x 180″ -20C: 141 gain 139, 85 gain 173
Oiii: 159 x 180″ -20C: 94 gain 139, 65 gain 173
L: 636 x 60″ -20C:  553 gain 139, 83 gain 173
G: 532 x 60″ -20C:  373 gain 139, 159 gain 173
B: 500 x 60″ -20C:  298 gain 139, 202 gain 173
R: 614 x 60″ -20C:  438 gain 139, 176 gain 173

NGC1499 in SHO

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: William Optics RedCat 51 Petzval APO
Camere di acquisizione: ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool Pro
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope
Camere di guida: ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
Software: ZWO ASIair Pro · Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight · Gimp
Filtri: Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik · Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25 · astronomic Oiii 6nm
Accessorio: ZWO 8x 1.25″ Filter Wheel (EFW)
Date:11 Agosto 2021 , 12 Agosto 2021 , 14 Agosto 2021 , 15 Agosto 2021 , 17 Agosto 2021 , 18 Agosto 2021 , 19 Agosto 2021 , 29 Agosto 2021 , 30 Agosto 2021 , 31 Agosto 2021 , 01 Settembre 2021 , 05 Settembre 2021 , 06 Settembre 2021 , 07 Settembre 2021 , 08 Settembre 2021 , 09 Settembre 2021 , 10 Settembre 2021 , 11 Settembre 2021 , 12 Settembre 2021 , 13 Settembre 2021
Astronomic SII 6nm 1.25: 137×180″ (6h 51′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 112×180″ (5h 36′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astronomik H alpha 12 nm 2 inch Astronomik: 16×300″ (1h 20′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
astronomic Oiii 6nm: 159×180″ (7h 57′) (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Integrazione: 21h 44′
Dark: 33
Flat: 33
Dark dei flat: 33
Giorno lunare medio: 11.30 giorni
Fase lunare media: 33.02%
Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00
Centro AR: 4h 0′ 40″
Centro DEC: +36° 25′ 27″
Campionamento: 3,148 arcsec/pixel
Orientazione: 59,489 gradi
Raggio del campo: 2,345 gradi


NGC1499 California Nebula
William Optics Redcat 51 | ASI1600mm-Pro

SHO palette from Astronomik narrowband Ha, Sii Oiii 1,25″ filters drizzle data integration.
List of subframes as follow:
Ha: 11/08/2021 3 300s; 12/08/2021 13 300s;
14/08/2021 31 180s; 15/08/2021 30; 06/09/2021 6; 07/09/2021 25; 08/09/2021 9; 09/09/2021 9; 10/09/2021 2.

Sii Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20C : 29/08/2021 13; 30/08/2021 29; 31/08/2021 19; 01/09/2021 26; 05/09/2021 4; 06/09/2021 26; 09/09/2021 10; 10/09/2021 10

Oiii Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20C: 17/08/2021 29; 18/08/2021 31; 19/08/2021 11; 08/09/2021 10; 09/09/2021 10; 10/09/2021 10; 11/09/2021 6; 12/09/2021 34; 13/09/2021 18

Postproduction GIMP.

Ha Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 129 subframe integration: 16 Gain 200 offset 50, 300sec -20 Celsius, 113 180sec
Sii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 137 subframes integration, Gain 200, offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius
Oiii Astronomik 1,25″ narrowband filter 159 subframes integration, Gain 200 Offset 50, 180sec -20 Celsius

IC 2574

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IC 2574 in HaR OiiiG OiiiB, William Optics Redcat 51, ASI1600mm Pro at Bin1, -20C: RGB subframes of 60″, Ha and Oiii subframes of 180″

Ha is used as integration of R channel, Oiii as integration of G and B channel by PixelMath, PixInSight.

IC 2574 (Coddington’s Nebula) – Intermediate Spiral(SABm) Galaxy in Ursa Major, an intermediate Spiral(SABm) Galaxy in the Ursa Major constellation, situated at about 17.000 Ly from us, appears close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern hemisphere.

It is an outlying member of the M81 Group and is currently forming stars; a UV analysis showed clumps of star formation 85 to 500 light-years (26 to 150 pc) in size.

IC1396 SHO Palette

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IC1396 in SHO narrowband, Hubble palette. Star integration by pixelmath (pixinsight) .75* on starless


Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: William Optics Redcat 51
Camere Di Acquisizione: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
Montature: Sky-Watcher EQM-35 ×
Filtri: Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm · Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm · Astronomik SII CCD 6nm
Accessori: ZWO ASIAIR Pro · ZWO EAF · ZWO EFW 8 x 1.25″ / 31mm
Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Telescopi, Obiettivi Di Guida: QHYCCD Mini Guide Scope
Camere Di Guida: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Dettagli d’acquisizione
Date: 27 Maggio 2021 · 31 Maggio 2021 · 01 Giugno 2021 · 03 Giugno 2021 · 09 Giugno 2021 · 14 Giugno 2021 · 15 Giugno 2021 · 17 Giugno 2021 · 22 Giugno 2021 · 26 Giugno 2021 · 27 Giugno 2021 · 28 Giugno 2021 · 29 Giugno 2021 · 30 Giugno 2021 · 01 Luglio 2021 · 05 Luglio 2021 · 06 Luglio 2021 · 07 Luglio 2021 · 08 Luglio 2021 · 09 Luglio 2021 · 12 Luglio 2021
Pose: 379×300″(31h 35′) (gain: 180.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Integrazione: 31h 35′
Dark: 33, Flat: 33, Dark dei flat: 33
Giorno lunare medio: 18.63 giorni
Fase lunare media: 44.81%
Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00
Centro AR: 21h39m17s.23, Centro DEC: +57°28′09″.9

Campionamento: 3,151 arcsec/pixel

Orientazione: 60,684 gradi

Raggio del campo: 2,554 gradi

Simeis 147 Sh2-240 in SHO palette

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Simeis 147 in SHO palette.



Sh2-240 annotation by PixInSight

PixInSight workflow to get starless and star separated masters by Starnet2 from SHO channel combination integration, this latter used as luminance level; files not stretched hereby available:

Sh2-240 Starless:

Sh2-240 Stars:

Sh2-240 SHO integration (ABE, SPCC, Deconvolutio, DENOISE) :

Photoshop postproduction, layer .psd master available here:

Spectrophotometric Color Calibration White balance values, by PixInSight

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