NGC7000 region in SHO and Hbeta

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Cygnus NGC7000 region in narrowband, with Hbeta records as integration of Oiii emission for Blue channel.


This is the second of a 2 panel mosaic focused about this region of Cygnus, so rich and beautiful! Subframes recorded between 27/05/2023 and 12/09/2023 with William Optics Redcat 51 and ASI1600mm Pro, at -20C, gain 173 and 180sec of exposition; some subframes at 300sec expecially for Halpha channel help in faint nebulosity detail emerging.

Typical SHO palette

Ha Oiii and Hbeta palette integration

Photoshop master with layers group and adjustement vailable here:

Framelist (Astrobin CSV preformatted) available here:

HIP102483 region in SHO and Hbeta

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HIP102483 Cygnus region in narrowband, SHO and Hbeta channels.

This is the first of a couple of panel mosaic of narrowband recording focused about NGC7000 region in Cygnus; subframes of 180sec at -20C taken between 28/05/2023 and 22/08/2023 with ASI1600mm Pro under William Optics Redcat 51, mont EQM35 Pro.

SHO classic palette integration, with annotations

Ha Oiii and Hbeta palette integration

My preferred integration, with Sii for red channel, Ha for green and Oiii + Hbeta for blue.

Caldwell 27 and Sadr region mosaic in SH Oiii and Hb

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2 plates mosaic for this region of Cygnus.
Hbeta narrowband channel I used to integrate Oiii data.


Sadr region in SHO and Hb

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Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm: 405×180,″(20h 15′) (gain: 173.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm: 270×180,″(13h 30′) (gain: 173.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Astronomik SII CCD 6nm: 316×180,″(15h 48′) (gain: 173.00) -20°C bin 1×1
Optolong H-beta 25nm 1.25″: 180×180,″(9h) (gain: 173.00) -20°C bin 1×1

Integrazione:58h 33′

Giorno lunare medio:13.70 giorni

Fase lunare media:53.65%

Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle:6.00

NGC6871 region in SHO and Hbeta

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Third panel belonging to mosaic project focused about Cygnus core.

Subframes in narrowband recorded between 05/03/2023 and 08/07/2023, 180sec at -20 Celsius by ASI1600mm Pro at gain 173 on William Optics Redcat 51.

SHO palette

Ha Oiii Hbeta palette

M29 (NGC 6913) region in SHO and Hb

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M29 region in narroband, Sii Ha and Oiii+Hb; Hydrogen Beta records I used to integrate Oxigen channel.

Setup is: William Optics Redcat 51 with ASI1600mm Pro, 180 sec. subframes recorded between 02/03/2023 and 31/07/2023; complete framelist available here >

This is the second panel of a mosaic project I’m actually postprocessing.

Starless stage made during postprocessing.

Final starry image made in Photoshop; .psd file with layers and adjustements available here >

SHO integration

Ha Oiii Hbeta integration

M81 and M82: Ha and Oiii integration to RGB

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During 2021 and 2022 I took a good number of subframes focusing on M81 and M82 field and I planned to integrate RGB channels with Ha and Oiii narrowband contribute.

Being a follower of John Rista short time DSO photography approach, RGB channel subframes I recorded at 60″, Halpha and Oiii subframes at 180″, William Optics Redcat51 and ASI1600mm Pro at -20 Celsius, Gain 139.

For Rista excellent studies, please cfr. and both on 02/08/2023.

After standard calibration, cosmetic correction by dark-master, star registration and winsorized sigma clipping integration, I obtained masterframe for each channel recorded.

Channel combination of RGB generated a good integration which I played with Ha and Oiii masters to Dynamic BG removal, solving (and annotated transparent layer version for further work), Spectrophotometric Color Calibration (just RGB) deconvolution and denoising.

I then proceed by starXterminator in starless and stars version of each master to work properly ‘till putting them back by PixelMath, obtaining a pretty good RGB master

with ready-to-go Halpha and Oiii narrowband master to integrate within:

H alpha channel to be associated to R channel while Oiii to differently be integrated with both G and B channels.

Narrowband with RGB integration produced a pretty good result which, in turns, I little worked over separating again stars and starless sub-master, finally directly melted in Photoshop.

This portion of sky is so rich of galaxies; PGC annotation (PixInSight) gives an idea of the richness of field

I thus start to try some crop solution for better framing and focusing the final image. At first I cropped a squared and a vertical version to catch in the field also NGC2976, NGC2961 and NGC2959.

Finally I focused about M81 and M82 with a deep cropping for an orizontal composition, trying to dispose M81 and friends according to 3/4 grids basic composition rule.

Photoshop, non cropped version, with 3 main crops framing as guide layer are available here

Sh2-132 (LBN 473) “Lion Nebula” in SHO

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Crop and Starless

Sh2-129, Ou4 in SHO palette

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Sh2-129 emission nebula presents an irregular ring-arch form which resemble a figure of a flying bat, and according to Blitz et.Al. is situated at a distance of about 400 parsec or 1300 light-years.

According to Dobashi and collegues the region sourroundig Sh-129 is particularly rich of molecular clouds, first among all the whide obscure nebulositys system occulting the Milky Way in the direction of Cefeus; cfr. Dobahashi K. et Al., 1994 “Molecular Clouds in Cygnus. I. A Large-Scale 13CO Survey” –…95..419D/abstract

George Helou and collegues [….7…..H/abstract ] studied the infrared radiation source IRAS 21168+5948 which coordinates coincide with the CO emission region, as just introduced within Avedisova Star Formation regions Catalogue; cfr. Avedisova V. S., 2002 “A Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy” in Astronomy Reports, vol.46 n.3: 193 – 205.

Within Sh2-129 center, recording in Oiii narrowband, is possible to enhance the vision of Ou4 nebula, whose form gave the name of squid nebula.

Discovered in 2011 by French astro-imager Nicolas Outters, the Squid Nebula’s alluring bipolar shape is distinguished by the telltale blue-green emission from doubly ionized oxygen atoms. Though apparently completely surrounded by hydrogen emission region Sh2-129, the true distance and nature of the Ou4 have been difficult to determine. 

Recent investigation suggests Ou4 really does lie within Sh2-129 some 2,300 light-years away. Consistent with that scenario, Ou4 would represent a spectacular outflow driven by HR8119, a triple system of hot, massive stars seen near the center of the nebula. 

The truly giant Squid Nebula would physically be nearly 50 light-years across.

This work is the result of personal SHO records using William Optics Redcat 51 and ASI1600mm Pro under Bortle 6 sky in Livorno – Italy (home balcony) with integration of records focused about Oiii signal obtained by Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 and Proline FLI PL16083 camera retrieved from Telescopelive.

Data framelists set available:

here for WO51, 

and here for Takahashi106

PixInSight cored workflow for generate 2 distinguished single channel SHO masters, linear-fit by Takahashi Oiii master, each pair blended by pixelmath within final S H and O masters, channel-combined in the SHO integration.

Normal narrowband workflow post-proccessing followed ‘till reaching an SHO starless

and SHO stars separated masters.

The same workflows I took for RGB channels, with the focus on star – separated from starless final integration to be used for final image composing.

I then integrated in Photoshop by screen blending mode after necessary fixing and adjustements.

Parallely, the same workflow I made for Oiii master, using Oiii starless for enhancing Ou4 structure, luminosity and tones, in Photoshop by adjustements and colorizing filtered layer.

Integration of Oiii starless channel within SHO master enhanced luminosity, saturation and structure of Ou4 whole nebula.

Sh2-188 Firefox Nebula

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