NGC 1333 LRGB – Gimp postproduction

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An attempt of astronomic photography postproduction using Gimp, made easy by excellent data quality retrieved from SPA-1-CCD Telescopelive network focused about NGC1333 and IC348.

Previous PixInSight processing made, generating an LRGB deconvoluted, denoised, starless/stars pre-elaboration, starless + 0,75% stars pixelmath integration before .tiff exporting and Gimp postprocessing.

C/2020 E3 Neowise 24/07/2020 ZTF data

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Thanks to Taras Prystavski contribute on Astrobin forum ( ) I retrieved from IRSA resource all available data from ZTF telescope focused about Neowise comet; cfr. IRSA / ZTF –

PixInSight had some problem in platesolving because of peculiar fits header, thus also was impossible to perform image registration > comet registration.
I thus worked just by star registration of the few subframes and then play an image integration for each filter: I assigned R channel to zr filter, G to zg and B to zi even I suspect other choose may be taken.
After that I made starless and star version for each channel and integrate in pixinsight the starry master, and in photoshop the starless master handly stacking rgb comet.

I finally played some photoshop tricks for pixel fixing, framing, dust lanes enhancing, etc…
I would like a more wider field of view for a next attempt, but I confess to me is simply exciting and so so funny to make post-production over these enormous scientific quality data from such powerful instruments! As when I play with JWST or Hubble data (cfr. )  I’m simply totally stoked!
Thanks again to Taras!!!

M8 region in HaS H O

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M8 region from Australia, Heaven’s Mirror Observatory, Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 telescope, QHY 600M Pro CMOS camera at -15 C ( )


Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione Takahashi FSQ-106ED

Camere Di Acquisizione QHYCCD QHY600 Pro M

Montature Software Bisque Paramount MX+ GEM

Filtri Astrodon H-alpha 3nm 50×50 mm · Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm · Astrodon SII 3nm 50×50 mm

Software Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

Camere Guida Starlight Xpress Ultrastar M

 Dettagli d’acquisizione

Date:02 Aprile 2023 ·  05 Aprile 2023Pose:

Astrodon H-alpha 3nm 50×50 mm: 8×300″(40′) -15°C bin 1×1
Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm: 2×300″(10′) -15°C bin 1×1
Astrodon OIII 3nm 50×50 mm: 4×300″(20′) -16°C bin 1×1
Astrodon SII 3nm 50×50 mm: 10×300″(50′) -15°C bin 1×1Integrazione:2hGiorno lunare medio:12.70 giorniFase lunare media:93.27%

Luoghi: Heaven’s Mirror Observatory – Yass, North South Wales, Australia, Manton, NSW, Australia

C/2021 A1 Leonard

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C/2021 A1 Leonard 31/12/2021




C/2021 A1 Leonard, annotations by PixInSight
White Balance values according to PixInSIght > Spectrophotometric Color Calibration


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IC59 from SPA-3-CCD Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4, IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain




IC59 stars spikes by ProdigitalSOFTWARE &GT, Starspikes Pro
IC59 Starless integration by Starnet2, PixInSight

IC59 within SH2-185, Cassiopea.

Stunning SHO narrowband data from Spain Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4.

Final integration of starless (Starnet2) nebula color background plus stars from Ha integration as luminance.

Postproduction by PixInSight and Photoshop.

NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet, SHO Palette – Telescopelive

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NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet in SHO Palette. RAW .fits calibrated file from Telescopelive




Annotation by PixInSight

NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy

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NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy on Planewave CDK24, El Sauce Observatory, Chile




NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy



Scarica il file originale Scarica


Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: Planewave CDK24

Camere Di Acquisizione: FLI PL9000

Montature: Mathis Instruments MI-1000/1250

Filtri: Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50×50 mm

Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

 Dettagli d’acquisizione

Date:29 Gennaio 2021 ·  28 Gennaio 2022 ·  29 Gennaio 2022 ·  01 Febbraio 2022Pose:

Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1

Integrazione: 5h 20′

Giorno lunare medio: 16.88 giorni

Fase lunare media: 32.18%

Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 1.00

Centro AR: 03h33m23s.864

Centro DEC: -36°0455.95

Campionamento: 0,620 arcsec/pixel

Orientazione: -1,195 gradi

Raggio del campo: 0,372 gradi

Trasformazione WCS: thin plate spline


 Trova immagini nella stessa area 

Risoluzione: 3056×3056

Dimenzione file: 53,5 MB

Luoghi: El Sauce Observatory, Chile, Coquimbo, Cile

Origine dei dati: Osservatorio remoto di proprietà

Origine dei dati remoti: Telescope Live


After James Webb Space Telescope MIRI and NIRCAM data, I focused about NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, and found good calibrated data from Telescopelive archive to be downloaded and elaborated.
Telescope:  Planewave CDK24 610/3962mm (CH-1-CCD)
Camera: Proline FLI PL 9000
Location: El Sauce Observatory, Chile
600″ x LRGB subframes, taken between 28/01/2022 and 01/02/2022

NGC 1365 LRGB, annotated
NGC1365 RGB integration
White Balance values and data after PixInSight > Spectrophotometric Color Calibration