C/2020 F3 Neowise 08/08/2020 ZTF data

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This incredible beautiful set of data from IRSA / ZTF retrieval system https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/frontpage/ allows me to a second post-production attempt focused about Neowise comet of 2020.

I still cannot get rid of comet registration alignment by PixInSight, thus just played a hand allineation or R(zr) G(zg) and B(zi) channels in photohop of comet starless image, and then adding stars as new layer in “screen” blending mode.
After some research about Palomar 48 inches Samuel Oschin Schmidt telescope and ZTF camera I found here : https://www.ztf.caltech.edu/ztf-camera.html

and especially here : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1538-3873/ab4ca2/pdf
https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ab4ca2  ]
all data necessary for letting PixInsight plate solving and annotates final image.

Apart of aesthetic results, what is important is that if pixinsight works in annotation after platesolving, I hypothesize it could works also in comet registration after a proper platesolving of single channels masterframe; I’m going to try asap.

C/2020 E3 Neowise 24/07/2020 ZTF data

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Thanks to Taras Prystavski contribute on Astrobin forum ( https://www.astrobin.com/forum/c/group-forums/comets-imaging/c2020-f3-neowise-comet-raw-data-from-remote-hosting/ ) I retrieved from IRSA resource all available data from ZTF telescope focused about Neowise comet; cfr. IRSA / ZTF – https://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/ztf/?__action=layout.showDropDown&

PixInSight had some problem in platesolving because of peculiar fits header, thus also was impossible to perform image registration > comet registration.
I thus worked just by star registration of the few subframes and then play an image integration for each filter: I assigned R channel to zr filter, G to zg and B to zi even I suspect other choose may be taken.
After that I made starless and star version for each channel and integrate in pixinsight the starry master, and in photoshop the starless master handly stacking rgb comet.

I finally played some photoshop tricks for pixel fixing, framing, dust lanes enhancing, etc…
I would like a more wider field of view for a next attempt, but I confess to me is simply exciting and so so funny to make post-production over these enormous scientific quality data from such powerful instruments! As when I play with JWST or Hubble data (cfr. https://mast.stsci.edu/portal/Mashup/Clients/Mast/Portal.html )  I’m simply totally stoked!
Thanks again to Taras!!!