Creatures mythiques animales dans les manuscrits naxis: complete preliminary paper (English)

Today (weekend!!) I finally had the time to create and update the pdf of the complete preliminary paper of my Arras 2010′s topic “Creatures mythiques animales dans les manuscrits naxis“.

Having published it online, I’ll be able to quote this work directly in my definitive paper, which is going to be published in the official acts of the congress: in that way I’ll be able to indicate some parts and some sources which are fully explained and available online, in order to be accorded to the authors recommendations, in particular for the length of the paper itself.

The complete preliminary paper is in English, whilest the final  official publication will be in French, thanks to Madame Nathalie Beaux; it’s available directly from here, below there’s the complete URL.

Livorno 2010 August, the 4th