JWST NIRCam NGC2070 Tarantula Nebula

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James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam NGC2070 “Tarantula Nebula” , filters f090W, f187N, f200W, f335M and f444W

Photoshop screen blending mode and colorizing layers of f090W, f187N, f200W, f335M, f444W master calibrated RAW .fit data of James Webb Space Telescope NIRCAM mosaic photo session focused on NGC 2070.

Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/uv9q6w/

NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet, SHO Palette – Telescopelive

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NGC2359 Thor’s Helmet in SHO Palette. RAW .fits calibrated file from Telescopelive



TelescopeLive: https://telescope.live/gallery/ngc2359-thors-helmet-4

Annotation by PixInSight

NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy

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NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy on Planewave CDK24, El Sauce Observatory, Chile

Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/n61k17/

Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/7470441#annotated

Telescopelive: https://telescope.live/gallery/ngc1365-5

NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy


Link al TIFF/FITShttps://www.dropbox.com/s/lomf3scyuzq967j/LRGB_lfG_DBEspccDECONVezdenoise.xisf?dl=0

Scarica il file originale Scarica


Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: Planewave CDK24

Camere Di Acquisizione: FLI PL9000

Montature: Mathis Instruments MI-1000/1250

Filtri: Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50×50 mm · Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50×50 mm

Software: Adobe Photoshop · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

 Dettagli d’acquisizione

Date:29 Gennaio 2021 ·  28 Gennaio 2022 ·  29 Gennaio 2022 ·  01 Febbraio 2022Pose:

Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Blue 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Green 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Lum 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1
Astrodon Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance Red 50×50 mm: 8×600″(1h 20′) -25°C bin 1×1

Integrazione: 5h 20′

Giorno lunare medio: 16.88 giorni

Fase lunare media: 32.18%

Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 1.00

Centro AR: 03h33m23s.864

Centro DEC: -36°0455.95

Campionamento: 0,620 arcsec/pixel

Orientazione: -1,195 gradi

Raggio del campo: 0,372 gradi

Trasformazione WCS: thin plate spline


 Trova immagini nella stessa area 

Risoluzione: 3056×3056

Dimenzione file: 53,5 MB

Luoghi: El Sauce Observatory, Chile, Coquimbo, Cile

Origine dei dati: Osservatorio remoto di proprietà

Origine dei dati remoti: Telescope Live


After James Webb Space Telescope MIRI and NIRCAM data, I focused about NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, and found good calibrated data from Telescopelive archive to be downloaded and elaborated.
Telescope:  Planewave CDK24 610/3962mm (CH-1-CCD)
Camera: Proline FLI PL 9000
Location: El Sauce Observatory, Chile
600″ x LRGB subframes, taken between 28/01/2022 and 01/02/2022

NGC 1365 LRGB, annotated
NGC1365 RGB integration
White Balance values and data after PixInSight > Spectrophotometric Color Calibration

NGC1365, approaching to JWST MIRI data

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NGC 1365 JWST MIRI mosaic, filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W

According to James Webb Space Telescope official documentation (cfr. https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument) the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) provides imaging and spectroscopic observing modes from 4.9 to 27.9 μm. These wavelengths can be utilized for studies including, but not limited to: direct imaging of young warm exoplanets and spectroscopy of their atmospheres; identification and characterization of the first galaxies at redshifts z > 7; and analysis of warm dust and molecular gas in young stars and proto-planetary disks.

MIRI imaging filter curves and wavelenght are resumed below

MIRI imaging filter curves – https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument, figure 3

MIRI coronagraphic imaging filter curves – https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-mid-infrared-instrument, figure 4

From Mikulksky Archive for Space Telescopes I downloaded raw calibrated .tif data focused about NGC 1365 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, a double-barred spiral galaxy about 56 million light-years away in the constellation Fornax.

Among all data available I picked-up 3 sessions: a wide field MIRI mosaic by filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W, a small field MIRI mosaic by the same filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W a small NIRCAM field mosaic by filters f200W, f300M, f335M and f360M.

NGC 1365 JWST MIRI mosaic, filters f770W, f1000W, f1130W and f2100W
NGC 1365 JWST NIRCAM mosaic, filters f200W, f300M, f335M, f360M

Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization

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Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization ​​ ​​https://academia.edu/resource/work/97856131 This is a part of my study draftnotes, less or more ordered, about history and nomenclature of Wushu generally, more in particular focused about orthodox … Continua a leggere

Fartlek 全速疾跑间歇训练作为我的陈家沟武术训练身体素质练习

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Fartlek SIT as general body exercise in my Chenjiagou Wushu training routine Fartlek 全速疾跑间歇训练作为我的陈家沟武术训练身体素质练习 Fartlek quánsù jí pǎo jiànxiē xùnliàn zuòwéi wǒ de chén jiā gōu wǔshù xùnliàn shēntǐ sùzhì liànxí Stefano Zamblera – 羞龍Xiulong1 E-mail: afettoxiulong@gmail.com Published 27/02/2023 Abstract … Continua a leggere

NGC 1672 Seyfert Galaxy

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NGC 1672 Seyfert type II nucleus galaxy, from CH-1-CCD > Telescoplive .raw data


Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/7393327#annotated

Telescope Live: https://telescope.live/gallery/ngc-1672-7

Annotated integration by PixInSight