NGC3324 in SHO (Hubble) palette

NGC3324 in SHO palette, from El Sauce Observatory, Chile – Planewave CDK24 610/3962, Proline 9000
.fit BIN1 and BIN2 calibrated frames from Telescopelive, from 29/04/2020 to 17/06/2022

NGC3324 in SHO palette, from El Sauce Observatory, Chile – Planewave CDK24 610/3962, Proline 9000
.fit BIN1 and BIN2 calibrated frames from Telescopelive, from 29/04/2020 to 17/06/2022
Horsehead, M42 Orion nebula region and half Orion loop
Comet ZTF from Telescopelive network, telescope Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4 of Almeria, Spain, camera Proline FLI PL16083, 31/12/2022
IC1396 in SHO narrowband, Hubble palette. Star integration by pixelmath (pixinsight) .75* on starless
Telescopi O Obiettivi Di Acquisizione: William Optics Redcat 51
Camere Di Acquisizione: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
Montature: Sky-Watcher EQM-35 ×
Filtri: Astronomik H-alpha CCD 6nm · Astronomik OIII CCD 6nm · Astronomik SII CCD 6nm
Accessori: ZWO ASIAIR Pro · ZWO EAF · ZWO EFW 8 x 1.25″ / 31mm
Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Telescopi, Obiettivi Di Guida: QHYCCD Mini Guide Scope
Camere Di Guida: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Dettagli d’acquisizione
Date: 27 Maggio 2021 · 31 Maggio 2021 · 01 Giugno 2021 · 03 Giugno 2021 · 09 Giugno 2021 · 14 Giugno 2021 · 15 Giugno 2021 · 17 Giugno 2021 · 22 Giugno 2021 · 26 Giugno 2021 · 27 Giugno 2021 · 28 Giugno 2021 · 29 Giugno 2021 · 30 Giugno 2021 · 01 Luglio 2021 · 05 Luglio 2021 · 06 Luglio 2021 · 07 Luglio 2021 · 08 Luglio 2021 · 09 Luglio 2021 · 12 Luglio 2021
Pose: 379×300″(31h 35′) (gain: 180.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Integrazione: 31h 35′
Dark: 33, Flat: 33, Dark dei flat: 33
Giorno lunare medio: 18.63 giorni
Fase lunare media: 44.81%
Scala del Cielo Scuro Bortle: 6.00
Centro AR: 21h39m17s.23, Centro DEC: +57°28′09″.9
Campionamento: 3,151 arcsec/pixel
Orientazione: 60,684 gradi
Raggio del campo: 2,554 gradi
According to Andre B. [ ] who in turns referred to The Coldest Night [ ] narrowband channels integration and combination is subjective and could not coincide with a simple channel combination of Sii Ha and Oiii masters within an RGB implementation, as also suggested by Edoardo Luca Radice during CEDIC 2019; cfr. “Creating near true color images for nebulae from narrow band data using PixInsight” [ ]
In my approach and attempt I used PixInSight > Pixelmath formula
R = (Oiii^~Oiii)Sii + ~(Oiii^~Oiii)Ha
G = ((OiiiHa)^~(OiiiHa))Ha + ~((OiiiHa)^~(OiiiHa))Oiii
B = Oiii
to generate IC348 integration and postproduction.
IRAS 20324+4057
Hubble Space Telescope, ACS/WFC, filters f606W, f658N, f814W
Calibrated .fit data retrieved from MAST – Mitsuki Archive for Space Telescopes
Very hard postproduction for hot pixel removing and color rendering of this incredible beauty.
.fit data retrieved from MAST – Mitsuki Archive for Space Telescopes
Very hard postproduction for hot pixel removing and color rendering of this incredible beauty.
Photoshop master with layer available here :
RAW .fit data available here (.zip folder) :
Simeis 147 in SHO palette.
PixInSight workflow to get starless and star separated masters by Starnet2 from SHO channel combination integration, this latter used as luminance level; files not stretched hereby available:
Sh2-240 Starless:
Sh2-240 Stars:
Sh2-240 SHO integration (ABE, SPCC, Deconvolutio, DENOISE) :
Photoshop postproduction, layer .psd master available here:
Spectrophotometric Color Calibration White balance values, by PixInSight
IC59 within SH2-185, Cassiopea.
Stunning SHO narrowband data from Spain Takahashi FSQ-106EDX4.
Final integration of starless (Starnet2) nebula color background plus stars from Ha integration as luminance.
Postproduction by PixInSight and Photoshop.
After processing James Webb Space Telescope raw calibrated .fit data focused about NGC2070 by Photoshop screen colorized blending layers, with colours assigned according to NIRCAM filters guideline (cfr.: ) I was able to obtain this preliminary result.
According to spectrum values indicated by NIRCAM filters guidelines I decided a different approach for postproduction, considering the lowest nm values as “blue” colour band, the middle nm values as green, and the highest nm as red channel for an RGB combination.
Using Pixelmath I thus combined in PixInSight f090W and f187N masters creating my blue channel, f200W and f335N as the green channel, and f444W master for red channel.
Being NIRCAM data results of very narrowband recordings, I approach such masters as a peculiar SHO integration, and decided to attempt a starless integration for nebula details and colours work, and final recomposition of starry image using star luminance layer.
Starless version of each master I obtained by PixInSight > Starnet2. Each master I then stretched and export as .tiff in Photoshop for contrast adjustement, star residual removing and hot pixels fixing.
In Photoshop I imported each master into pertinent RGB channel. Then I provide to contrast, saturation and Brightness adjustement layers and fix other pixels problem emerged from channels combination.
Starry NIRCAM f444W filter master as luminance was finally imported as upper layer in luminosity blending mode, while starless f444W master for starless version.