
Lijiang, bambini
Lijiang, bambini
Lijiang Gu Cheng – 2009 nian, 08 yue, 06 hao
The 16th World Congress – The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences – Panel: New Horizons in Naxi Study
I partecipated at the panel `New Horizons in Naxi Study` during the 16th World Congress – The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Kunming (official website: with 2 tributes which I’ll soon post as pdf on resuming my 2 research projects:
Many new ideas, expecially for improve my study focused on Dongba tradition and Naxi people culture and history grow up from the congress! I’m also very happy to have met Eric D. Mortensen, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies – Departement Chair of Religious Studies – Guilford College: we spoke after the pics taiking at the end of congress and what we said was very very good and usefull for me…hope to see soon!
Many thanks to Qinglian Zhao for the precious helpoing douring the last day of congress translating so smart and perfect from my bad English into perfect Chinese: next time I’ll speak in Chinese! So impressive to see Alexis Michaud speaking perfectly in Chinese and 2 Naxi dialects…wow! A sample to be followed!
Many many thanks to Mu Shi Hua laoshi, but expecially to Cherry to let me be in Kunming and to let me and Claudia visit her splendid home in Wu Yi Jie!
At today still in feichang piaoliang Lijiang gu cheng… when I’ll back in Italy will write about!
Lijiang, Mu gong
Lijiang, artigiani
Lijiang, ristorante tibetano
Lijiang, Hotel Nanmen
Lijiang, Heilong Tan Gong Yuan
Lijiang, Qiyi Jie
Lijiang, Mamafu
Lijiang, Jiuba Jie