M42 region, SHO palette
Boris Romanchenko
96 years old,
Killed in his home in Kharkiv by russian bombing
He survived to nazi Buchenwald, Peenemunde, Dora Mittelbau and Bergen-Belsen
to find death thanks to Russian rockets fired against civilian buildings
during the “special military operation” to “denazify” Ucraina
Only who speech a little russian and lived in ex ussr country can understand the subtle coward treachery within this fact and the words used by putin and his goddamn power palace
Every media now is riding the “new” horse of outrage by Biden words against putin.
Maybe Biden had not to speak in this directly way, but are we barely realize what is happening and in name of what?
L’articolo Boris Romanchenko sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
Astrometry: http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/5760089#annotated
L’articolo Giulia e Anna Noa sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
Portrait to Semyon Kudrin, 4 years old boy shot killed with his father, mother, 10 years old sister Polina, in their car while escaping in Kyïv from war.
L’articolo Semyon Kudrin sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
Portrait to Polina Kudrin, oil on canvas – Procreate
Polina Kudrin, 10 years old Ucrainan girl shot killed in Kyiv in her car with her father, mother, 4 years old younger brother Semyon, while escaping
L’articolo Polina Kudrin sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
Watercolor on Arches paper – Procreate
L’articolo Cimetières des Carmes, Clermont-ferrand sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
L’articolo Morgana sembra essere il primo su XIUART.
Watercolor on cold pressed Arches paper – Procreate
L’articolo Place Delille, Clermont-ferrand sembra essere il primo su XIUART.