Beijing Team a Firenze – il drago attraversa le acque 2004 tour
Beijing Team a Firenze – il drago attraversa le acque 2004 tour: pictures sent as a book and Beijing Team members’ portfolio.
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Beijing Team a Firenze – il drago attraversa le acque 2004 tour: pictures sent as a book and Beijing Team members’ portfolio.
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Festa di Primavera, Villa Regina
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Campionati Nazionali Taiji, Rimini 2004
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Campionati Nazionali Taolu, Milano 2004
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Esami cinture Wushu, 25 Aprile 2004 all’Istituto di Wushu della Città di Firenze
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Campionati Regionali Wushu, Firenze 28 Marzo 2004
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Stage Wushu a Modena: duilian
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Carnevale multietnico a Firenze, 22 Febbraio 2004
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Preparazione al Carnevale Multietnico
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Afer Cosetto & Ciucia was gone Chica was looking for a new family member, possibly black with yellow eyes or all grey. So we had to look for this new entry for half Livorno, and ivenif we found a lot of beautiful and needing little cats, we didn’t found the ONE she (and me) was looking for when one time..
We found a lady who took us to another woman who had a bit of country: in her house there was a cat who had a kitten..and this is Rigel
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