(Recorded by “The Beard” of Wenling, Zhejiang [Yi Fanzhai])
[translation by Paul Brennan, May, 2018]
[This text which began simply as a document for personal reference survives as an invaluable record of the sword art that had been handed down from Li Jinglin, presenting the five-section two-person sword set in much greater detail than the meager outline in Huang Yuanxiu’s 1931 manual, and Huang quite rightly decided to include it in the expanded version of his Martial Arts Discussions, which was later published in 1944. It is not clear whether Huang made any adjustment to Yi’s text, with only the parenthetical comment at the end of movement 2.4 seeming a likely addition on his part.
To make this text more functional, I have also plugged in all forty-one photos from Chapter Four of the 1931 book, showing Huang Yuanxiu (in the lighter outfit) and Chu Guiting (in the darker outfit) demonstrating the core techniques. These photos can be slightly confusing because Huang and Chu do not stay consistent in their roles as Person A and Person B, and the view is often shown from the reverse profile (Section Four being the only section where the roles and the view in the photos remain consistent). It is best to ignore their identities as Huang and Chu in each photo, and to pay attention only to who is portraying A and B based on their actions within any given photo. There is unfortunately not a photo for each movement, but there are enough of them to be very helpful for adding clarity to many of these movement descriptions.]
PREPARATION POSTURE (The person who makes the first move is called A, and the person who responds to it is called B.)
[1.1] A and B, each of you stand holding your sword.
Your left hand is holding your sword backwards, touching the outside of your left forearm. Your right hand hangs down close beside your right hip. Your feet are standing parallel about shoulder width apart. Your body is upright and your gaze is forward.
SENDING OUT THE SWORD [This posture is comprised of movements 1.2 and 1.3. (After PREPARATION POSTURE and SENDING OUT THE SWORD, none of the subsequent movements are grouped under specific names.)]
[1.2] Both of you, switch your sword to your right hand.
Your right hand forms a “spearing finger”, the center of the hand facing upward, your right wrist bent and level with your waist. Extend your right arm to the right to be at shoulder height, your head turning to the right, your gaze toward your right hand. Then your left foot turns to the left, your body turning, and your right foot steps forward, your left leg slightly bending, your right foot [toes] touching down, as your right hand’s spearing finger points forward and your gaze goes toward the opponent. Then your right foot retreats, your body turning [to the right], and both hands make a large circle from the upper left to the right rear until in front of your chest, your right palm facing upward, left palm facing downward, and you send the sword into your right hand. Your body is now squatting, the weight on your right leg, your gaze still toward the opponent.
[1.3] Both of you, extend your swords at each other with horizontal-blade stabs.
With your left foot forward, right foot behind, make a bow and arrow stance, your left hand’s spearing finger going in front of the left side of your forehead, your right hand putting all its energy into extending with a horizontal-blade stab, using a “full active grip” [i.e. tiger’s mouth facing to the right]. [The photo for this moment shows A and B closer to each other than they would be yet, with B already stepping his right forward to begin the next movement.]
[photo for movement 1.3, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[1.4] Both of you, do an overturned flick to each other.
Advance your right foot a step, stand firmly on it, and make a reaching step with your left foot, squatting your body down, as your left hand’s spearing finger goes to the left, the arm slightly bent, and your right hand uses a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to do an overturned flick. Your head is turned to the right, your gaze turned to your opponent’s wrist.
[photo for movement 1.4, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[1.5] A, tap to B’s wrist.
Suddenly rise up, turning your body, withdrawing your left foot a half step diagonally to the left rear and then putting out your right foot the same as in the preparation posture, toes touching down, as your right hand uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to tap your sword tip toward B’s wrist, your left hand’s spearing finger slightly assisting at your sword handle [raised to the left in the photo]. Your gaze is toward B’s wrist.
[photo for movement 1.5, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[Huang later had another photo made of this situation, which appeared in his 1936 publication of Martial Arts Discussions, again showing Chu Guiting on the left in the role of A and Huang Yuanxiu on the right in the role of B.]

[1.6] B, do a drawing cut to A’s wrist.
B, also suddenly stand up, turning your body, and stand firmly on your left foot, switching feet and sending your right foot back a step to the right rear [forward right], as your right hand makes a three-quarter passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the lower left] and does a drawing cut under A’s wrist, the weight at the same time shifting to your left [right] foot to make a bow stance. Your gaze is toward A’s wrist.
[photo for movement 1.6, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[According to the 1931 book, B follows his drawing cut by stabbing forward (with a vertical-blade stab), resulting in the extra image below (showing B on the left, A on the right, in a reversed view), meaning that A must have raised his wrist to evade the drawing cut, pulling his sword away enough to create a target for B to stab. Apparently A then responds to this by beginning the following movement slightly ahead of B.]

[1.7] Both of you, stab toward each other.
Both of you retreat your right foot as your right hand stabs your sword forward [and downward] into a lifting posture (using a three-quarter passive grip) [tiger’s mouth facing to the lower left], your upper body at the same time striving to reach forward, and your left hand’s spearing finger is placed in front of the left side of your forehead, the center of the hand facing outward. Your gaze is toward the opponent.
[photo for movement 1.7, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[1.8] Both of you, perform circle walking (switching places).
With your swords still touching, both of you lift your right foot and advance to the left into a [counterclockwise] circle walk, walking until you have switched places, stopping in the spots occupied in the previous movement.
[1.9] B, do an overturned block.
B, use a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to do an overturned block to A’s wrist.
[1.10] A, do a dragging cut.
[At the same time,] turn your sword to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], sinking your elbow down, and do a dragging cut to the left, your body turning halfway to the left. Your feet will stay where they are, left [right] foot full, right [left] foot empty. Your gaze is toward B’s sword tip. [Following the pattern of the next movement, 1.9 and 1.10 should probably have been written in reverse order.]
[photo for movements 1.9 & 1.10, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[Huang had another photo made of this situation, appearing in his 1936 book. In this photo, the partner on the left is Ye Jingcheng in the role of A, with Huang Yuanxiu again on the right in the role of B.]

[1.11] B, do a dragging cut to A’s waist. A, do an overturned block to B’s wrist.
A, when you see B’s wrist evade and that your sword will miss, take advantage of the situation by switching to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and doing a dragging cut to B’s waist. B, hollow your chest and turn your waist to evade A’s sword, at the same time switching to a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] and doing an overturned block to A’s wrist. Go back and forth in this way for a total of three times.
[photo for movement 1.11, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[1.12] B, press down A’s sword and perform a “filling the ear” technique.
Wait until A’s sword switches from doing the overturned block to do another dragging cut to your waist, then suddenly switch to a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] and press down across his sword [the grip in the photo being aligned somewhat differently].
[photo for the first part of movement 1.12, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

Then raise your body and strike [rightward] to his right ear using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], your left hand assisting at your sword handle [although it is raised to the left in the photo].
[1.13] A, do a vertical-blade dragging cut to B’s wrist with a flicking energy.
With your right hand using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] and your left hand assisting at your sword handle, go to the rear with vertical-blade dragging, then sink your hand down so that your sword tip heads toward B’s wrist as a flicking stab.
[photo for the second part of movement 1.12 and movement 1.13, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[The photo above is used in the 1931 book to specifically demonstrate striking, even though it already shows the other person flicking in response, but then the book uses the variant photo below to highlight the vertical-blade dragging, even though it depicts the same striking situation. In the variant photo, Huang and Chu’s roles are reversed, as is the view.]

[Huang had yet another photo made of this situation, based on the variant photo, which appeared in his 1936 book, showing Ye Jingcheng on the left in the role of B, with Huang Yuanxiu again on the right in the role of A.]

[1.14] Both of you, make a lifting posture.
B, evade A’s sword tip by lifting your wrist, switching to a three-quarter passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the lower left], and stab toward A’s wrist. A will also lift his wrist and switch to a three-quarter passive grip to defend against it.
[photo for movement 1.14, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[1.15] Both of you, chop at each other.
Send your sword tip upward in a small circle from the lower left, switching you to a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward], and chop downward toward your opponent’s right wrist.
[1.16] B, stab to A’s throat. A, stick to B’s sword with a dragging action.
B, your right hand switches to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], your left hand assisting at your sword handle, and goes upward from below to stab straight toward A’s throat. When your sword tip is pointing toward A’s throat, your sword handle is just below your own chest. A, also switch to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], your left hand assisting at your sword handle, and with your sword body sticking to B’s sword, turn your body slightly to the right and drag aside B’s sword.
[photo for movement 1.16, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[1.17] A, stab to B’s throat. B, stick and drag.
A, once you have dragged B’s sword aside, take advantage of the opportunity to extend your sword with a stab toward B’s throat. B, now you also turn your body while sticking to A’s sword, and then you will return a stab toward A. Do this [back and forth] for a total of three times (circling with a full active grip) [tiger’s mouth facing to the right].
[photo for movement 1.17, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[1.18] A, perform horizontal stirring [circling clockwise]. B, go along with it [counterclockwise].
A, wait until B’s sword is stabbing toward you, then stick your sword to his and go to the right and downward with horizontal stirring.
[photo for the first part of movement 1.18, showing B on the left, A on the right]

At the same time, lift your right foot into a crossover step and do a circle walk to the left [i.e. counterclockwise]. B, also do a crossover step and circle walk to the left. At this time, both swords are sticking to each other, stirring while walking, both of you waiting for an opportunity. But while stirring, your right hand stays extended, your left hand’s spearing finger placed level toward the left, palm facing outward, your head turned to the right, your gaze toward your opponent’s sword.
[1.19] B, strike to the head.
Once both of you have switched places in your circle walk, your sword tip has completed two downward stirs. B, when your sword has been moved to the outside [inside] of A’s sword and A’s sword is about to stir upward again, take advantage of the opportunity to use a one-quarter active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the upper right] and strike [leftward] to his head.
[1.20] A, strike to B’s thigh.
Your body slightly drapes to the left rear, the weight shifting to your left foot, making a bow stance of left foot full, right foot empty, in order to evade B’s sword. At the same time, your right hand switches to a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] and does a slashing strike [rightward] to B’s right thigh.
[1.21] B, check to A’s wrist.
The weight shifting to your left foot, raise your right foot and advance a half step diagonally to the forward left, evading A’s sword, while your right hand switches to a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] and does a diagonal checking action to A’s wrist.
[1.22] A, do a dragging cut to B’s wrist.
Switch to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and drag evasively toward the left until in front of your left shoulder, your sword tip now pointed toward B’s grip, slightly lower than shoulder level. Your gaze is toward B.
[1.23] B, step forward and check to A’s wrist.
Step your right foot forward diagonally to the right, and with your right hand using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward], check to A’s right wrist, the weight shifting to your right foot, making a bow stance of right foot full, left foot empty.
[1.24] A, do a drawing cut to B’s hand.
Sink your right wrist downward to evade B’s sword, at the same time switching to a three-quarter passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the lower left], and go from left to right with a drawing cut to B’s hand.
[1.25] B, withdraw to evade. A, stab to his belly.
A, as B draws back his sword to evade, take advantage of the moment by using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to his belly, your weight now shifting to your right foot.
[1.26] B, do a [left] check to A’s wrist.
With your body slightly leaning to the side to evade A’s sword, your right hand uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to check across his wrist, your weight now shifting to your right foot.
[photo for movements 1.25 & 1.26, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[1.27] A, drag. B, do an overturned block.
A, using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], drag your right wrist evasively to the forward left [left rear]. At the same time, withdraw your right foot a half step diagonally to the left, your body turned halfway to the left, your gaze toward your opponent. B, your sword follows A’s wrist upward from below to do an overturned block using a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward].
[1.28] A, do a drawing cut to B’s wrist to get into the “guarding the gate” posture.
Your right wrist goes upward, turning over and switching to a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left], and your sword tip, now angled downward, does a drawing cut to B’s wrist, from left to right, as you retreat your right foot a step, turning your body. Your right hand, arm slightly bent, is now raised up in front of the right side of your forehead in a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward], your sword tip pointing toward B. Your left hand’s spearing finger is assisting at your right wrist. Your body is turned to the right, the weight shifted to your right foot. Your left foot is placed a half step in front of your right foot to the forward left, toes touching down. Your gaze is toward B.
[photo for second part of movement 1.27 and movement 1.28, showing B on the left, A on the right (reverse view)]

[1.29] B, do a dragging cut to A’s wrist, then get into the “guarding the gate” posture.
B, switch to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and go to the left with a dragging cut to [the inside] of A’s wrist, at the same time withdrawing your right foot until a half step in front of your left foot. [Although the photo above depicts A finishing his drawing cut while B is still in his blocking position, the dragging cut described here will happen as A is beginning his drawing cut and the swords will then be pulling away from each other at the same time.] Then switch to a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward], retreat your right foot a step to the right rear, and stand firmly on it, making the “guarding the gate” posture.
[This guarding posture is perhaps best exhibited in the photo that goes with the first movement of Section Four, by B on the left side of the photo.]

(This completes Section One [which has a total of twenty-nine movements and is comprised of twenty-two different techniques].)
[2.1] B, step forward and strike to A’s head.
Advance a step with your right foot as your right hand uses a one-quarter active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the upper right] to do a [leftward] striking action to the left side of A’s head, your left hand spreading away to the left rear.
[2.2] A, step forward and strike to B’s wrist.
Advance a step with your right foot as your right hand uses a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] to do a [leftward] striking action to B’s wrist, your left hand also spreading away to the left rear.
[photo for movements 2.1 & 2.2, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[2.3] Both of you, make a lifting posture.
B lifts first, then A, same as before [movement 1.14].
[photo for movement 2.3, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[2.4] Both of you, stab to the knee.
Both of you slightly lift your right foot, pressing the ground with your left foot, and advance into a bow and arrow stance, stabbing to your opponent’s knee. But because your swords are resisting against each other, the stabs go off center. (The rest of the movement at this point requires personal instruction.) [This is perhaps referring to the tighter way the two people are walking around each other rather than normal circle walking.]
[2.5] Both of you, step forward and do an overturned flick.
When your stabs miss, both of you wait for the other’s body to go past, then switch your grip to half passive [tiger’s mouth facing upward], deliberately sticking your sword body to the other sword (thereby preventing him from taking advantage of the opportunity to come in with a dragging cut to your waist or thigh). Then both of you advance your left foot a step forward [behind your right leg], draping your body by bending forward, while using a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to do a reverse flick toward your opponent’s wrist.
[photo for movement 2.5, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[2.6] A, turn your body and tap to B’s wrist.
Pivoting [withdrawing] your left foot, quickly turn your body and stand up, withdrawing [putting out] your right foot, the same as in the preparation posture, and at the same time use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to tap toward B’s wrist.
[photo for movement 2.6, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[2.7] B, turning your body, step diagonally, and flick to A’s wrist.
Pivoting on your right foot, quickly turn and stand up, advancing your left foot a step to the left side and withdrawing your right foot to stand the same as in the preparation posture. [The text is therefore calling for an empty stance rather than the bow stance in the photo, which would make sense considering that B will have to step forward into a right bow stance in his next movement.] With your body sinking down and your left hand assisting at your sword handle, flick your sword tip diagonally upward toward A’s wrist.
[photo for movement 2.7, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[2.8] A, do a drawing cut.
Send your wrist outward to the right to evade B’s sword, then sink your right wrist into a drawing cut to B’s sword hand, at the same time stepping your right foot out diagonally a half step to the forward right, the weight going onto your right foot.
[2.9] B, stab to A’s belly.
When A evades by doing a drawing cut, [draw back your sword and then] use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to his belly, at the same time shifting your right foot diagonally a half step to the forward right, the weight going onto your right foot.
[2.10] A, do a left check to B’s wrist.
Wait for B’s sword to be stabbing toward your belly, then slightly lean away to evade his sword, at the same time using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to go forward to his hand with a checking action, the weight still on your right foot.
[photo for movements 2.9 & 2.10, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[2.11] B chops and A also chops.
Same as before [movement 1.15].
[2.12] B, step forward and perform “filling the ear”.
Switch to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], and with your left hand assisting at your sword handle [although it is raised to the left in the photo], step your right foot forward, reach with your body, and extend your sword in a [rightward] strike to A’s right ear.
[2.13] A, do a horizontal dragging cut.
With your right hand using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], drop your elbow and turn your waist, at the same time sending your sword to the right rear in a horizontal dragging cut [using the inner edge] to B’s wrist, thereby blocking his sword aside.
[photo for movements 2.12 & 2.13, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[2.14] B, do a drawing cut to A’s leg.
Take advantage of the opportunity to turn your sword over, switching to a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left], and turn your body [with your right foot stepping to the forward right] as you do a drawing cut to A’s leg.
[2.15] A, stab to B’s wrist.
Lift your right leg diagonally to the left to evade B’s sword, then your right hand points your sword tip toward his right wrist and stabs.
[photo for movements 2.14 & 2.15, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[Huang had another photo made of this situation, appearing in his 1936 book, showing Ye Jingcheng on the left in the role of B, Huang Yuanxiu again on the right in the role of A.]

[2.16] B retreats with an evasive arc as A advances with a chasing stab.
B, retreat to the right, making an evasive arc, as A advances to the left, making a chasing arc. Both of you are performing your retreat and advance [with your feet] while drawing a half circle [with your swords].
[2.17] A, do a drawing cut to B’s belly. B, hollow your chest, turn your waist, and stab toward A’s wrist.
A, advance until you reach the full extent of the arc you are drawing, then turn your grip to full passive [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] and do a drawing cut to B’s belly.
[photo for movement 2.16 and the first part of movement 2.17, showing B on the left, A on the right]

B, hollow your chest and turn your waist to evade A’s sword, at the same time switching to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and doing a [horizontal-blade] stab toward his wrist.
[2.18] A retreats with an evasive arc as B advances with a chasing stab.
A, it is now your turn to retreat, stepping to the right, as you make an evasive arc, while B chases [stepping to the left], making a chasing arc, and thereby you are both drawing the other half of the circle. Do this for a total of three times [i.e. drawing three full circles].
[2.19] B, press down A’s sword, then step forward and strike to his head.
B, when your circling retreat has brought you back to where you started, suddenly stop, turning your sword to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and slightly raising your wrist to allow A’s sword to stab under it, then take advantage of the opportunity by pressing down A’s sword and block it outward. Then step forward with a [leftward] strike to the left side of A’s head.
[2.20] A, retreat with a dragging [drawing] cut to B’s wrist, then step forward, returning a strike.
Retreat to evade B’s sword while sending your sword outward to the right with a horizontal dragging [drawing] cut.
[photo for the second part of movement 2.19 and the first part of movement 2.20, showing B on the left, A on the right]

Then take advantage of the opportunity to step forward and return a [leftward] strike to the left side of B’s head.
[2.21] B, retreat with a drawing cut to A’s wrist, both of you returning to the guarding posture.
Wait for A to reach out with his sword, advancing to strike, then turn your sword to a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] and go from below with a drawing cut to A’s wrist. At the same time, retreat your right foot a step, returning you to the guarding posture, and then A also retreats to return to the guarding posture.
[The 1931 book replaces B’s drawing cut with both people getting into a lifting posture as a means to return to the guarding posture. The accompanying photo shows both people pulling back from lifting, but already retreated into the guarding posture in terms of their feet. The result is that they are standing in this image much closer than they would be, a similar situation to the photo for movement 1.3, possibly indicating in both cases that the photographer may have had a cramped studio and could not widen the frame enough to have two people standing very far apart.]

(This completes Section Two, which has a total of nineteen [twenty-one] movements and is comprised of ten different techniques.)
[3.1] B, step forward, chopping to A’s head.
Step forward with your right foot, your right hand using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a chop straight to A’s head.
[3.2] A, block B’s sword, advance, turning your body, and do a dragging cut to B’s waist.
Step forward with your right foot, using a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to block to B’s sword.
[photo for movement 3.1 and the first part of movement 3.2, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

Quickly advance your left foot to the forward left, then your right foot will step forward with a crossover step, your right hand turning your sword over into a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], and do a dragging cut to B’s waist.
[3.3] B, block to A’s wrist, then do a dragging cut to his waist.
Hollowing your chest and twisting your body, retreat your right foot to evade A’s sword. At the same time, point your sword tip downward, lifting your right wrist, and go outward from left to right with an [overturned] block to A’s wrist.
[photo for the second part of movement 3.2 and the first part of movement 3.3, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

A will twist his body away to evade this, so quickly advance your left foot to the forward left, step your right foot forward with a crossover step, and change your grip to full active [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] as you do a dragging cut to his waist.
[3.4] A, block to B’s wrist and drag to his waist.
This is the same as B’s movement. Circle walk [counterclockwise] in this manner, repeating the movement a number of times until you have switched places.
[3.5] B, press down A’s sword and perform “filling the ear”.
Wait for A to turn his sword to the full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], and in the moment before he has advanced to drag to your waist, use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to hit downward with a pressing action.
[photo for the first part of movement 3.5, showing A on the left, B on the right]

Then raise your body and step forward, using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] to strike [rightward] to his right ear.
[3.6] A, do a [vertical-blade] dragging cut with a flicking energy.
Raise your body and slightly sit back, using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade dragging cut, flicking toward B’s wrist.
[photo for the second part of movement 3.5 and movement 3.6, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[3.7] B, make a lifting posture.
As performed previously [movement 1.14], make a lifting posture, stabbing toward A’s wrist.
[3.8] A, do a reverse strike toward B’s wrist.
Advance your right foot with a crossover step to the left and squat your body down, at the same time sending your sword downward to the left and circling back up from the side with a reverse strike [i.e. rightward] toward B’s right wrist, your left hand assisting at your sword handle, your head turning to the right, your gaze going toward B’s right wrist.
[3.9] B, do a reverse strike toward A’s wrist.
Do the same movement as A, also making a reverse strike toward his wrist.
[photo for movements 3.8 & 3.9, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[3.10] Both of you, circle walk.
With both of you using your sword tip to point toward the other’s wrist, squat your body and walk in a rightward [counterclockwise] circle until you have switched places.
[3.11] B, withdraw your sword, then stab.
Suddenly withdraw your sword to the rear, changing to a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward], then do a vertical-blade stab, at the same time stepping your right foot out to the right.
[3.12] A, do a reverse block to B’s wrist.
Withdraw your sword to the rear, at the same time stepping your right foot out to the right, and use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a reverse block under B’s wrist.
[photo for movements 3.11 & 3.12, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[3.13] B, do a vertical-blade dragging cut to A’s wrist.
Slightly raise your wrist so your sword tip angles downward and crosses over A’s wrist, then sink your wrist downward and withdraw to the rear with a dragging cut.
[3.14] A, turn your hand over and do a dragging cut to B’s wrist.
A, send your elbow downward to the left to evade B’s sword, at the same time turning your wrist to make a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward], and withdraw with a dragging cut to B’s wrist [using the inner edge]. Then you both retreat to the guarding posture.
(This completes Section Three, which has a total of fifteen [fourteen] movements and is comprised of six different techniques.)
[4.1] A, step forward and do a clearing cut.
Advance your right foot a large step, your right hand sending your sword clearing upward from the lower right, switching to a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward], your right arm reaching, your left hand’s spearing finger placed to the left rear, your feet making a bow stance of right foot full, left foot empty. Your gaze is toward the opponent.
[photo for movements 4.1, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[4.2] B, step forward and do a dragging cut to A’s wrist (circling your sword to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] with your hand lifted).
Advance your right foot a step to the forward left, slightly squatting your body, as your right hand draws a circle with your sword from the upper right to the lower right to the forward left, then again to the forward right to finish the circle with a reverse [i.e. inner edge] dragging cut toward A’s right wrist. Your grip has now switched to full active [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and your right arm is extended. Your left hand at the same time assists at your sword handle. Your head is turned halfway to the right, your gaze toward A’s wrist. Your feet are making a crossover stance.
[4.3] A, step forward and do a dragging cut to B’s wrist (circling your sword to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] with your hand lifted).
Mirror B’s movement by [stepping your right foot out to the left and] doing a reverse dragging cut toward his wrist.
[photo for movements 4.2 & 4.3, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[4.4] Both of you, make circles with full active grips [tiger’s mouth facing to the right].
Both of you advance first your left foot while withdrawing your sword with a [reverse] dragging cut.
[photo for the first part of movement 4.4, showing B on the left, A on the right]

Then advance your right foot while again sending your sword across from left to right. Continue into a [counterclockwise] circle walk while doing these reverse dragging cuts toward your opponent’s wrist, walking in this way as your swords make a total of three circles.
[4.5] Both of you, make circles with full passive grips [tiger’s mouth facing to the left].
Both of you switch your sword to a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] while stepping your right foot out to the right side in a reaching step, then continue into a [clockwise] circle walk as you each do [reverse (i.e. inner edge)] drawing cuts [moving from right to left] toward the other’s wrist or belly, walking in this way as your swords make a total of three circles.
[4.6] B, advance with [vertical] stirring.
Once you have circle walked back to where you started, suddenly withdraw your sword in front of your chest, changing to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], and your sword tip goes from right to left (over A’s wrist).
[photo for the first part of movement 4.6, showing B on the left, A on the right]

Then your sword tip goes from left to right (under A’s wrist), stirring a full [counterclockwise] circle around his wrist.
[photo for the second part of movement 4.6, showing B on the left, A on the right]

While stirring, you are also chasing forward [though the photos do not really seem to demonstrate any stepping] and your left hand is assisting at your sword handle. This [stirring] movement entirely comes from the liveliness of your hips and wrist, otherwise it is difficult to get the energy of it.
[4.7] A, retreat with [vertical] stirring.
A, this is the same as B’s movement, but while B is advancing, you are retreating [and your stirring is instead making a clockwise circle]. (The advancing and retreating steps should be coordinated with folding in at the waist [indicating that the opposite hip is coming forward with each step, thus bringing your sword handle across your body as you go].)
[4.8] B, retreat with drawing and dragging.
Using both the full passive [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] and full active [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] grips, draw and drag under A’s wrist while retreating. (This is the same technique as Taiji Sword’s LION SHAKES ITS HEAD.)
[4.9] A, advance with drawing and dragging.
Using both the full active [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and full passive [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] grips, draw and drag on top of A’s wrist while advancing. While you are drawing, B is dragging, and so you should be doing the opposite of each other.
[photos for movements 4.8 & 4.9, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[4.10] B, do a flick to A’s wrist.
When you have retreated to your original position, suddenly use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to flick upward toward A’s wrist. A will withdraw his sword to evade it by spreading his hands apart to the sides.
[4.11] B, step forward and stab to A’s head.
Noticing that A is now unguarded in front, step forward and use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to his face.
[4.12] A, press down B’s sword.
Lean your head away to the left to evade B’s sword, your right hand at the same time sending your sword to press B’s sword to the lower right. Your feet should be left foot full, right foot empty.
[4.13] B, do a counter press.
Send A’s sword to the lower left with a counter press. Your feet should be left foot full, right foot empty.
[4.14] A, do a dragging cut to B’s leg.
Go along with being pressed down by advancing your sword into a dragging cut to B’s right leg. [B of course lifts his leg to evade this and then puts it down again.] Then raise up your body and do a reverse strike to B’s right ear, straightening your right arm. Your feet are in a bow stance of right foot full, left foot empty.
[4.15] B, do a vertical-blade dragging cut with a flicking energy.
Your body slightly leans back as you use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to pull back with a vertical-blade dragging cut to A’s wrist, finishing as a flicking action.
[photo for the second part of movement 4.14 and movement 4.15, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[Although the 1931 book suggests using this variant version at this point in the set, emphasizing the vertical-blade dragging more than the flicking, the text here does not indicate that this situation is substantially different from what is described in movements 1.13 and 3.6, and so the earlier photo would seem to work just as well.]

[4.16] Both of you, make a lifting posture, then return to the guarding posture.
A first switches to lifting, then B.
[photo for the first part of movement 4.16, showing B on the left, A on the right]

(This completes Section Four, which has a total of seventeen [sixteen] movements and is comprised of ten different techniques.)
[5.1] Both of you, get into a crouching posture.
Your body goes to the right rear and drapes downward, the weight shifting onto your right foot, your left leg straightening and almost touching the ground, as your right hand switches to a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] and holds your sword across the front of your chest, the tip pointing toward the opponent, your left hand’s spearing finger assisting at your right wrist. Your gaze is toward the opponent.
[5.2] A, step forward and do a vertical-blade stab.
Launch your body forward, your right foot advancing a step, as your right hand uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to B’s chest.
[5.3] B, step forward and strike to A’s wrist.
Launch your body forward, your right foot advancing a step, as your right hand uses a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] to strike across [leftward] to A’s wrist.
[5.4] A, raise your wrist and strike across to B’s wrist.
Raise up your wrist to evade B’s sword, at the same time using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right] to strike across [leftward] to B’s wrist.
[photo for movements 5.3 & 5.4, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[5.5] B, take your body to the side and check to A’s wrist.
Your left foot advances a step out to the left side, making a bow stance of left foot full, right foot empty, the weight shifting to your left foot. At the same time, your right hand uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to go to the forward right with a [right] check to A’s wrist from the side.
[photo for movement 5.5, showing A on the left, B on the right (reverse view)]

[5.6] A, take your body to the side and check to B’s wrist.
Same as B’s movement and posture above.
[5.7] Both of you, make a lifting posture, then circle walk [counterclockwise].
These two actions are the same as in Section One [movements 1.7 & 1.8].
[photo for the first part of movement 5.7, showing B on the left, A on the right]

[5.8] A, do an upright flick to B’s wrist.
Once you have walked around B to the point that you have switched places with him, suddenly switch to a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] and do a flick toward his wrist.
[5.9] B, do a dragging cut to A’s wrist, dodging away.
Go to the left with a dragging cut to A’s wrist, evading his sword by turning your body halfway to the left as the weight shifts to your right [left] foot, making a bow stance of left foot full, right foot empty.
[5.10] A, advance and do an overturned block to B’s wrist.
As your left foot quickly advances a step, use a half passive [half active] grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to point your sword tip diagonally downward, similar to the lifting posture, and with your left hand assisting at your right wrist, forcefully go upward from below with an overturned block to B’s wrist.
[5.11] B, check to A’s wrist.
Raise your right wrist up to avoid A’s sword, arcing over A’s wrist, then use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a [left] check toward his wrist. At this moment, the weight is shifting to your right foot to make a bow stance of right foot full, left foot empty.
[5.12] A, step forward and check to B’s wrist.
Quickly spreading away your left hand, send your right wrist to the right to evade B’s sword and do a [left] check to his wrist as you advance your right foot a step, making a bow stance of right foot full, left foot empty.
[5.13] B, withdraw and check to A’s wrist.
Slightly shift your right wrist back, at the same time raising it so your sword tip is angled downward, and do a [reverse] check to the outside of A’s right wrist, your feet switching to left foot full, right foot empty.
[photo for movements 5.12 & 5.13, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[5.14] A, press down B’s wrist (or check to his wrist).
Dodge your wrist to the left while arcing your sword over B’s wrist, then press down on his wrist. (If pressing, use a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left]. If checking, use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward].) [Since you just did a check and are already in that position, the press would seem to make more sense anyway.] At the same time, your stance switches to left foot full, right foot empty.
[5.15] B, withdraw your hand, then do a [left] check to A’s wrist.
Same as before [movement 5.11].
[5.16] A, do a dragging cut to B’s leg.
With your right wrist now being pressed [checked] by B’s sword, take advantage of the situation by going downward and to the left with a dragging cut to A’s leg, at the same time shifting your weight to your left foot and drawing in your right foot to be a half step in front of your left foot, then start to stab to B’s waist [which B beats you to by stabbing to your waist, and so your movement of raising your sword to stab will simply become the beginning of the action in movement in 5.18 of pulling your sword back].
[5.17] B, stab to A’s waist.
Raise your right foot to evade A’s sword, briefly standing on one leg, then shift your right foot to be a half step in front of your left foot, your body turning halfway to the left as your right hand uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to stab to the right side of A’s waist.
[5.18] A, do a drawing cut to B’s wrist.
Raise your wrist as you evade A’s sword and use a full passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the left] to do a drawing cut to his wrist. At the same time, withdraw your right foot and shift a step to the forward right [right rear].
[5.19] B, perform GOLDEN ROOSTER STANDS ON ONE LEG to stab to A’s chest.
Your right hand goes to the left with a dragging action to evade A’s sword, then uses a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to his chest. At the same time, lift your left foot, the weight of your whole body shifted onto your right foot, making the posture of GOLDEN ROOSTER STANDS ON ONE LEG.
[5.20] A, strike to B’s hand.
Using a full active grip [tiger’s mouth facing to the right], strike across [leftward] to B’s fingers [while your left foot steps behind your right foot and you make an empty stance].
[photo for movement 5.19 and the first part of movement 5.20, showing A on the left, B on the right]

Both of you then make a lifting posture, A [B] lifting first, then B [A], then return to the guarding posture.
[photo for the second part of movement 5.20, showing A on the left, B on the right]

(This completes the first part of Section Five.)
[5.21] Both of you, get into a crouching posture.
Same as before [movement 5.1].
[5.22] B, step forward and stab to A’s chest.
Step forward with your right foot as you use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab to A’s belly [chest]. A at the same time steps forward and strikes across [leftward, to B’s wrist].
[5.23] Both of you, make a lifting posture.
Same as before [second part of movement 5.20].
[photo for movement 5.23, showing A on the left, B on the right]

[5.24] Both of you, chop at each other.
Using a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward], chop with the blade vertical, this time seeking the opponent on his left side, different from the previous times [movements 1.15 & 2.11], which sought him on his right side.
[5.25] Both of you, stab toward your opponent’s belly.
Use a half passive grip [tiger’s mouth facing upward] to do a vertical-blade stab.
[5.26] A, do an overturned block to B’s wrist.
Using a half passive [half active] grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward], do an overturned block under B’s wrist.
[5.27] B, do a reverse drag to A’s wrist.
Step out your left foot diagonally to the forward left [left rear] and lean your body to the left as you use a half active grip [tiger’s mouth facing downward] to do a dragging cut to the left along the top of A’s wrist [using the inner edge].
[photo for movement 5.26 & 5.27, showing B on the left, A on the right (reverse view)]

[The 1931 book uses this photo to illustrate an action of vertical-blade stabbing with the wrist turned over, akin to the stabbing action in movement 2.4, meaning that the overturned block should perhaps also have an intention of reaching forward.]
[5.28] A, turn over your wrist and drag.
Same as B’s final movement in Section Three [movement 3.13, meaning that you turn over your sword and do a dragging cut on top of B’s wrist].
[5.29] Both of you, turn your body and chop.
Hold your sword with both hands, the tip angled downward, then turn your body to the right as you step forward with your left foot and then continue turning your body as you retreat your right foot. As you are turning, [bringing your left foot forward,] and retreating your right foot, take advantage of the momentum of these actions by raising your sword and chopping down. Then return to the guarding posture. [The 1931 book then mentions that this is followed by a “closing posture”, but does not explain how it is to be performed. The safest bet is probably the very generic action of grabbing the sword in your left hand and lowering it to your left side so the sword is standing behind your arm, your right hand lowering with it and then circling to your right, up, and back down in front of you with the hand still formed as a spearing finger, pushing down in front of your belly.]
(This completes the whole of Section Five, which has a total of thirty [twenty-nine] movements and is comprised of twelve different techniques.)
民國二十八年歲次已卯三月一日 易範齋主人子慕跋
The five sections of the Wudang Sword set have a total of a hundred and ten [hundred and nine] movements, comprised of sixty distinct techniques. It was taught by Li Fangchen [Jinglin]. Huang Wenshu [Yuanxiu] was his indoor disciple. I learned it from Huang because I had no opportunity to learn it from Li. I remember that in the last year of the dragon [1928] I was living in Hangzhou, near Yongjin Gate, not many miles from Huang’s new house at West Lake. We spent time together constantly, always drinking wine, exuberant in each other’s company, our spirits unrestrained.
But during this last year, I was gradually weakened by illness and ceased practicing what I had learned. I have now forgotten more than half of the set, so rusty have I become in my lethargy. This spring, I received Huang in Shanghai so that other students he had taught the sword set to – Pan Shiyu, Fu Yangde, and Xu Meiqi – could borrow the use of my courtyard as a practice space. Because of this, all I had forgotten was clearly restored, imprinted on my mind. I then made these notes of it so that I can have something to refer to when I start practicing again, and I here make a record of the event with these brief words.
- written with esteem by your student, Yi Fanzhai, 16th year of the cycle, 3rd month, 1st day [April 20, 1939]