Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization

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Study notes of Wing Chun Quan history and terminology for a Wushu contextualization



This is a part of my study draftnotes, less or more ordered, about history and nomenclature of Wushu generally, more in particular focused about orthodox fighting system of Chenjiagou, the latter my specific ambit.

​​Among this studying working-flow, I evidenced and tried to organize in the most coherent possible way some common parts ascribable or linked to Wing Chun Quan, for a contextualization of the style as one of Wushu proper method.

​​Besides historical-social analysis, topic remains nomenclature and terminology which could be considered as one of the objective data available for attempting some crossing-references and etimologies activity.

​​Analogies and parallelisms among Chenjiagou Ortodox fighting system and Wing Chun Boxing share a common consideration as both as traditional Chinese Wushu methods, if by “traditional” is meant what

​​Chineses themselves indicate by the term 传统Chuán tǒng.

​​Study of modern and contemporary historical events seems to document that both Wing Chun Quan and Taiji Quan shared had and still having today common or at least comparable features, characteristics and dynamics into the development and spreading in the West.

​​Notes of analysis of available historical documents follows, with nomenclature study and – where possible – English and Italian annotations.

Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai

L’associazione rappresenta in Italia l’Istituto Tiancai Taiji, fondato dal maestro Zhu Tiancai per diffondere il suo metodo nel mondo. Il maestro ne è presidente onorario ed il figlio Zhu Xiangqian responsabile tecnico. L’associazione opera a Ferrara e Bondeno, Firenze, Livorno, Roma, Ronchi dei Legionari (Gorizia) e Treviso (Santa Lucia di Piave) Per informazioni:

L’articolo Istituto Italiano Taijiquan Tiancai proviene da 意大利天才太极院.

Zhu Tiancai birthday

Oggi è il compleanno del Gran maestro Zhu Tiancai! Auguri da tuttli gli allievi e gli amici italiani! 今天就是朱天才老师生日!意大利学生朋友都祝生日快乐! Today’s Grandmaster Zhu Tiancai birthday! All Italian disciples and friends wishing a happy birthday!

L’articolo Zhu Tiancai birthday proviene da 意大利天才太极院.