Portugal – Carnet de Voyage

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Portugal – Carnet de Voyage, watercolor album

Portugal - Carnet de Voyage, Watercolor Album reproduction, softcover, brossura.

Portugal – Carnet de Voyage, Watercolor Album reproduction, softcover, brossura.

Click here for a free preview of the Carnet as an eBook!

This Carnet de Voyage painted on Watercolor Album by Moleskine® is consacrated to Portugal, and belongs to a set of carnets I’ve painted there in the summer of 2012 by traveling from Lisboa to Cascais and Guincho, then descending by bus in the south, in Algarve, to Lagos and Sagres, and finally back to Lisboa.

Portugal – Carnet de Voyage

Lisboa em Azulejos – Carnet de Voyage, Japanese Album n.1

Lisboa em Azulejos - Carnet de Voyage Japanese Album. Handmade hardcover and Japanese folding.

Lisboa em Azulejos – Carnet de Voyage Japanese Album. Handmade hardcover and Japanese folding.

Click here for a preview (or download) of the Japanese Album as a pdf!

I was so impressed from Azulejos art, and among all azulejos, the sight of the “Gran Visión de Lisboa”, a huge “mural azulejado” in which it is represented the life of the city before the terrible earthquake of 1755 renforced in me both idea and inspiration to paint about Lisboa in “azulejos style”. That’s what I did by fulling 2 Japanese Album by Moleskine ®, while I prefer to paint on Watercolor Album and flying sheets about the other places we’ve been.

Choice of “Azulejos style ” is not but another expression of one of my idea about a possible approach to voyaging, and at the same time a possible way of making Carnet de Voyage.

Lisboa em Azulejos


A brief introduction to Portuguese Carnets

Me painting on my Carnet

Me painting on my Carnet

In the optical of a different approach to traveling, as for painting Carnet de Voyage, the study of local culture, artistic expression, language and history are paths which permit to start traveling into strange lands and let me escape from boundaries of the “different”: the latter start just outside myslef and my daily abitudes.

Thanks to such approach I thus just can start travel times and times before phisically getting into voyage…; there are plenty of travels I’m sure I begun from very old time! Some of them since I have a memory, others I’m sure I’ll discover sooner or later.

Moreover, once I’m traveling, a minimal knowledge of local language, history and culutre I feel to me as the more comfortable and the best form I may use to approach with a different way of traveling, a point of view which differs from the “normal” one of the tourist cliché.

I love going somehow little deeper into different cultures, evenif I’m sure I’m just tasting little parts of a whole that requires other timing and focusing.

It is in this optical that the study of “a lingua portuguesa” has been the main activity I have made for the best part of 2012, study that took me very quickly in the lucky meet with Pessoa, Camoes and the Fado of Cristina Branco and Amalia Rodrigues.

About Camoes, it happened that some passages I naturally recalled to memory while walking into Lisboa, thus quote and put them into “Lisboa em Azulejos” Japanese Carnets.

Adamastor, Miradouro and Igreia de Sao Roque fresco with Camoes

Adamastor, Miradouro and Igreia de Sao Roque fresco with Camoes, from Lisboa em Azulejos  Carnet de Voyage, Japanese Moleskine

Pessoa deeply hit me and impressed me so much with his caleidoscopic poetry. Often happened that the visions I attended in Portual I often lived and expressed like the materialization of some of Pessoa verses, especially in front of lighthouses and other suggestive landscapes.

Praia do Guincho and Pessoa poem

Praia do Guincho and Pessoa poem

Such deep empathy with Pessoa is probably dued also by knowing his biography and dualistic life of comptabilist for profession and poet as a man, condition which I deeply feel to be also mine, and which immediately linked me deeply to the poet, and gives me others keys of reading his verses.

Farol da Guia and Pessoa poem "Farois distantes"

Farol da Guia and Pessoa poem “Farois distantes”

All these ideas thus materialized into these carnets also by using – with all my limits, imprecisions and mistakes – “a lingua portuguesa” and English respectively as the main and second language, with a drastic reduction of the use of my mothertongue.

It was not but a natural expressions and process, very similar to the one which tooks me to paint Lisboa in an azulejos reinterpretation.

Both are natural expression of my feelings and thoughts coming directly from my heart in front of the beauty of Portugal, a very different thing from a process of translation from a language (media) to another.
Other times, using of not Italian language could be simply the transcription of original sources and available documentations.

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You may wish to have a reproduction of my Carnet of Portugal?

Portugal - Carnet de Voyage, Watercolor Album reproduction, softcover, brossura.

Portugal – Carnet de Voyage, Watercolor Album reproduction, softcover, brossura.

Portugal – Carnet de Voyage


Lisboa em Azulejos - Carnet de Voyage Japanese Album

Lisboa em Azulejos – Carnet de Voyage Japanese Album. Handmade hardcover and Japanese folding.

Lisboa em Azulejos. Limited, numbered and personalized edition. Removable booklet inside with transcription of texts.

Lisboa em Azulejos. Limited, numbered and personalized edition. Removable booklet inside with transcription of texts.

Lisboa em Azulejos

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Anyhow, thanks for visiting and reading ’till the end!

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