M106 / NGC4258, NGC4346, NGC4217, NGC4226

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Telescopi o obiettivi di acquisizione: Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO
Camere di acquisizione: Canon EOS 550D Full Spectrum ir cut
Montature: Skywatcher EQ35M
Telescopi o obiettivi di guida: QHYCCD QHY Mini Guide Scope
Camere di guida: QHYCCD QHY5L-II-C
Riduttori di focale: William Optics Adjustable Flattener Flat61
Software: Astroberry  ·  Adobe Lightroom  ·  Pleiades Astrophoto PinInsight  ·  KStars Ekos/INDI, Astroberry OS  ·  Photoshop  ·  Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) DeepSkyStacker  ·  Stark Labs Phd2
Filtri: SVBONY CLS 2”  ·  Optolong UHC 2″
Accessorio: SVBONY Filter Wheel 2″

Astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/e2h9cj/

Astrometry: https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4353718#annotated

Very bad visual condition, cloudy, foggy, humid and some wind.
PixInSight data integration of :
14 frames at ISO400 600sec and 2″ Svbony CLS filter,
21 frames at ISO400 600sec and 2″ UHC filter by Optolong.
Postprod.: Photoshop and Lightroom.

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